Data transformations: Apache Flink vs. Redpanda Data Transforms

Transforming a data stream usually requires an external consumer, like a stream processor or an event-driven microservice. This leads to the data first being transferred from the event broker to the consumer and then returned to the broker after transformation. No matter how simple or complicated the transformation is, this…

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Redpanda Serverless: the simplest ingredient for developing real-time applications

Real-time data is no longer a nice-to-have, but a must-have when creating relevant and engaging user experiences. Most industries today have grown accustomed to consuming instant updates, so if you’re a frontend developer looking to break into real-time app development, you’ll need to master the flow of real-time data. As…

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Redpanda Cloud makes more enterprise security moves

After a big Redpanda Serverless announcement in March, we're keeping the updates coming for Redpanda Cloud's Dedicated and BYOC products. This latest release features a mix of enterprise-grade security and reliability features, plus some developer experience enhancements that add flexibility to how you interact with your clusters. And away we…

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Real-time predictions for ML apps with Redpanda Data Transforms

In the world of machine learning, change is the only constant. The traditional reliance on large, batch-processed datasets is giving way to a more dynamic, real-time data approach. This evolution is driven by the understanding that the ability to process and analyze data in real time is not just an…

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Architectural considerations for high-volume streaming data on GCP

Streaming data plays a pivotal role in applications and industries where real-time information powers monitoring and analysis in high-stakes industries like finance, healthcare, manufacturing, e-commerce, and other data-driven businesses. Cloud platforms, especially Google Cloud Platform (GCP), excel at processing and analyzing vast, fast-growing data. GCP's scalability, cost-effectiveness, managed services, global…

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Announcing Redpanda Serverless: the simplified streaming data service for developers

We have long described the developer as the hero of the Redpanda story, and today we’re putting them front and center with the Limited Availability release of Redpanda Serverless! Our new product delivers the Apache Kafka® API as a managed service that’s instantly available, greatly simplifying the developer experience. Redpanda…

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Minimizing your cloud bill: how to calculate cloud data transfer costs

There’s no denying that the cost of data transfer in the cloud is expensive, and for large workloads, it can be the most expensive line item on your monthly cloud bill. When calculating the cost of data transfer for running highly-available distributed systems like Apache Kafka® and Redpanda in the…

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Evolving for the enterprise: lessons from running BYOC at scale with ShareChat

ShareChat, India’s largest social media company, has been running its streaming data infrastructure on Redpanda Cloud for almost a year. Before Redpanda, they relied on Google Pub/Sub. However, with ShareChat’s ambitious scale and volume of events, Pub/Sub’s core architectural inefficiencies ultimately led to tremendous cloud costs and unsustainable operational complexity.…

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Streamlining data flows with the new Bytewax and Redpanda integration

Redpanda's achievements have always captivated our attention. It appears that the same community drawn to Bytewax also tends to be attracted to Redpanda. As an Apache Kafka®-compatible event streaming platform, Redpanda streamlines the data management process, eliminating the need for Apache Zookeeper®, JVM, and any code alterations while supporting all…

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