One Year of Excalidraw

It’s been kind of a different year, but it was the first year and pretty amazing for Excalidraw. Excalidraw started as a way to procrastinate on January 1st, 2020, and ended up being a fully fledged whiteboard product only one year later! In this post, we’ll go over the most…

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Deprecating Excalidraw Electron in favor of the Web version

On the Excalidraw project, we have decided to deprecate Excalidraw Desktop, an Electron wrapper for Excalidraw, in favor of the web version that you can—and always could—find at After a careful analysis, we have decided that Progressive Web App (PWA) is the future we want to build upon. Read…

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Reading and writing files and directories with the browser-fs-access library

Browsers have been able to deal with files and directories for a long time. The File API provides features for representing file objects in web applications, as well as programmatically selecting them and accessing their data. The moment you look closer, though, all that glitters is not gold. The traditional…

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Open Colors

One of the qualities of Excalidraw is its simplicity. Even though we have the option to use any color of the spectrum, we have decided to limit our palette to a curated set of 15 colors in three different shades. The Open Colors color scheme has a total of 13…

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Three for three

How did Excalidraw fare in its third year of existence, and what’s to come? Let’s find out! Greetings Excalidraw users! Thank you all for the support throughout the year, and for being a part of our growing user base! ❤️ With your help, we’ve recently crossed 350K monthly users. 🔥…

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Year two of Excalidraw

Excalidraw celebrated its second birthday! What happened during the last year and what’s next? It’s been another great year for Excalidraw, the virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams. Let’s review what happened since the last time. The importance of remote working and collaboration has not been diminished, and more…

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Introducing Webex Integration

Collaborate using Excalidraw whiteboard directly in your Webex meetings. Excalidraw ❤️ Meetings Listening to your stories it’s amazing what you use Excalidraw for in the wild, from illustrating blog posts, to wireframing, teaching, presenting, to interviewing. One common denominator is collaboration, which has always been a core part of Excalidraw.…

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