What is the Double Diamond design process (and how to use it today)

The Double Diamond design process is a method of product and UX design that breaks up the creative process into four parts: discover, define, develop, and deliver. Within each part or phase, several viable options are reviewed until the best one is identified, and then designers move on to the…

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2 Ways to Automate Form Data Inputs to AITable.ai

Are you still manually managing the data collected from your form services? You could be missing out on a wealth of hidden information that could enhance your business operations if you don’t utilize this approach.Automating the collection of form data into AITable.ai, and integrating it with your CRM or project…

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Leveraging AITable.ai for Automated Email Notifications

Utilizing AITable.ai for work management and using email for communication is a common practice among many teams and individuals. Bridging the gap between these two platforms to establish a seamless flow of information is a strategy that can significantly expedite team efficiency. For instance, teams that use AITable.ai for project…

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Introducing Excalidraw+

Excalidraw has had tremendous success as a tool for drawing up your ideas, but it hasn’t put teamwork on the center stage. Read on to find out what we’ve been up to for the past several months! Excalidraw, the virtual whiteboard app for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams, has come a…

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One Year of Excalidraw

It’s been kind of a different year, but it was the first year and pretty amazing for Excalidraw. Excalidraw started as a way to procrastinate on January 1st, 2020, and ended up being a fully fledged whiteboard product only one year later! In this post, we’ll go over the most…

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Deprecating Excalidraw Electron in favor of the Web version

On the Excalidraw project, we have decided to deprecate Excalidraw Desktop, an Electron wrapper for Excalidraw, in favor of the web version that you can—and always could—find at excalidraw.com. After a careful analysis, we have decided that Progressive Web App (PWA) is the future we want to build upon. Read…

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Reading and writing files and directories with the browser-fs-access library

Browsers have been able to deal with files and directories for a long time. The File API provides features for representing file objects in web applications, as well as programmatically selecting them and accessing their data. The moment you look closer, though, all that glitters is not gold. The traditional…

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