Simplifying Database Consolidation with Elastic Pools

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Text Size 100%: - + Database consolidation is a time-tested practice that lowers the total cost of ownership (TCO) for database estates and simplifies database operations. Traditionally, consolidation requires physically moving databases to a consolidated or shared platform. A physically consolidated platform fits more databases into less infrastructure, which saves…

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Semantic caching for faster, smarter LLM apps

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Unlike traditional caching, which just stores data without context, semantic caching understands the meaning behind user queries. It makes data access faster and system responses smarter, making it critical for GenAI apps. What is semantic caching? Semantic caching interprets and stores the semantic meaning of user queries, allowing systems to…

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Monitoring Graph Databases for Optimal Performance

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Monitoring Graph Databases for Optimal Performance Monitoring the performance of your graph database is like regularly checking the health of your car. You want to ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. When you track performance metrics, you can spot potential issues before they become major problems. This proactive approach helps…

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Introducing Oracle Exadata Database Service on Exascale Infrastructure

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Text Size 100%: - + We are pleased to announce the general availability of Oracle Exadata Database Service on Exascale Infrastructure. Exadata Database Service provides customers around the world with extreme performance, reliability, availability, and security benefits they depend on for their Oracle Database workloads. With the introduction of highly…

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Atlas Vector Search ancora una volta votato il database vettoriale più amato

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Il rapporto 2024 Retool State of AI è appena stato pubblicato e, per il secondo anno consecutivo, MongoDB Atlas Vector Search è stato nominato il database vettoriale più amato. Atlas Vector Search ha ricevuto il punteggio NPS (Net Promoter Score) più alto, una misura della probabilità che un utente consigli…

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Atlas Vector Search de nouveau élue base de données vectorielles la plus appréciée

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Le rapport Retool State of AI 2024 vient d’être publié et, pour la deuxième année consécutive, MongoDB Atlas Vector Search est arrivée en tête des bases de données vectorielles les plus appréciées. Atlas Vector Search a obtenu le score NPS (Net Promoter Score) le plus élevé, qui mesure la probabilité qu’un…

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Atlas Vector Search vuelve a ser elegida la vector database más apreciada

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El informe 2024 Retool State of AI acaba de ser publicado, y por segundo año consecutivo, MongoDB Atlas Vector Search fue nombrada la vector database más querida. Atlas Vector Search recibió el puntaje de promotor neto más alto (NPS), una medida de la probabilidad de que un usuario recomiende una…

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Atlas Vector Search erneut zur beliebtesten Vektordatenbank gewählt

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Der Bericht „Stand der KI 2024“ von Retool wurde gerade veröffentlicht und MongoDB Atlas Vector Search wurde das zweite Jahr in Folge zur beliebtesten Vektordatenbank gekürt. Atlas Vector Search erhielt den höchsten Net Promoter Score (NPS), ein Maß dafür, wie wahrscheinlich es ist, dass ein Benutzer eine Lösung seinen Kollegen…

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