Android TV version 0.17

The latest Android TV app release features enhanced stability, improved navigation with a new home button, and an updated screensaver with age rating filters. Check out the full blog post to see all the new features and update now! Notable changes​ This release comes with over 100 changes from 13…

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Graylog Geolocation: Mapping Your Log Data

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  • Post category:Data Analysis

In today’s distributed work environment, understanding the geographic origin of network traffic has become more crucial than ever. As organizations adapt to remote work, IT teams face the challenge of monitoring and analyzing an expanding array of IP addresses from various locations. Graylog’s geolocation feature offers a powerful solution to…

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How Japan’s space agency used Grafana to monitor its first moon landing in real time

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  • Post category:Data Analysis

When Japan’s space agency, JAXA, set out to make its first lunar landing in January, the goal wasn’t just to get its SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) spacecraft on the moon’s surface. The plan also called to touch down within 100 meters of its intended target — making for…

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How To Start A Farm

Reading Time: 12 minutes Considering how to start a farm? Starting a farm can be both rewarding and challenging. Before you start a farm business, it is essential to clarify your goals. Ask yourself what you want to achieve with your farm. Are you looking to produce crops, raise livestock,…

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Dries Buytaert: Sydney Opera House using Drupal

Across its 50-year history, the Sydney Opera House has welcomed musicians, dancers, actors, playwrights, filmmakers, contemporary artists, and thinkers who have both challenged and defined the cultural scene. As a result, the Sydney Opera House draws millions of visitors from around the world each year. Not only is the Sydney…

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Golems GABB: Security and Speed Optimization in Drupal 11

Security and Speed Optimization in Drupal 11 Editor Fri, 08/02/2024 - 16:48 Improved scalability and functionality are two promises of the anticipated Drupal 11, which is expected to be a dynamic and innovative release. Even before the release of Drupal 10, anticipation was built around Drupal 11 making it one…

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