Atlas Vector Search de nouveau élue base de données vectorielles la plus appréciée

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Le rapport Retool State of AI 2024 vient d’être publié et, pour la deuxième année consécutive, MongoDB Atlas Vector Search est arrivée en tête des bases de données vectorielles les plus appréciées. Atlas Vector Search a obtenu le score NPS (Net Promoter Score) le plus élevé, qui mesure la probabilité qu’un…

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Atlas Vector Search vuelve a ser elegida la vector database más apreciada

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El informe 2024 Retool State of AI acaba de ser publicado, y por segundo año consecutivo, MongoDB Atlas Vector Search fue nombrada la vector database más querida. Atlas Vector Search recibió el puntaje de promotor neto más alto (NPS), una medida de la probabilidad de que un usuario recomiende una…

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Atlas Vector Search erneut zur beliebtesten Vektordatenbank gewählt

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Der Bericht „Stand der KI 2024“ von Retool wurde gerade veröffentlicht und MongoDB Atlas Vector Search wurde das zweite Jahr in Folge zur beliebtesten Vektordatenbank gekürt. Atlas Vector Search erhielt den höchsten Net Promoter Score (NPS), ein Maß dafür, wie wahrscheinlich es ist, dass ein Benutzer eine Lösung seinen Kollegen…

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Elevate Your Python AI Projects with MongoDB and Haystack

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MongoDB is excited to announce an integration with Haystack, enhancing MongoDB Atlas Vector Search for Python developers. This integration amplifies our commitment to providing developers with cutting-edge tools for building AI applications centered around semantic search and Large Language Models (LLMs). We’re excited to partner with MongoDB to help developers…

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Atlas Vector Search 再次被评为最受欢迎的矢量数据库

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Retool 的“2024 年 AI 现状”报告刚刚发布,MongoDB Atlas Vector Search 连续第二年被评为最受欢迎的矢量数据库。Atlas Vector Search 获得了最高净推荐值 (NPS),该值用于衡量用户向同伴推荐解决方案的可能性。 Retool 的“AI 现状”报告是对开发者、技术领导者和 IT 决策者进行的全球年度调查,提供了对 AI 的当前和未来状态的洞察,包括矢量数据库、检索增强生成 (RAG)、AI 采用情况和使用 AI 创新的挑战。 MongoDB Atlas Vector Search 在 Retool 的 2023 年首份报告中获得了最高 NPS,并且在发布后仅五个月内就成为第二广泛使用的矢量数据库。今年,Atlas Vector Search 以 21.1% 的得票率并列成为最受欢迎的矢量数据库,仅次于获得 21.3% 投票率的 pgvector(PostgreSQL)。 该调查还指出,人们越来越多地采用 RAG 作为在大型语言模型 (LLM) 未受过训练的最新相关背景下生成更准确回答的首选方法。虽然 LLM 是在庞大的数据语料库中训练出来的,但并非所有数据都是最新的,也不能反映专有数据。在那些存在盲点的领域,LLM 因自信地提供不准确的“幻觉”而臭名昭著。微调是自定义…

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Atlas Vector Search가 다시 한 번 가장 사랑받는 벡터 데이터베이스로 선정되었습니다.

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최근 발표된 2024 Retool AI 현황 보고서에서 2년 연속으로 MongoDB Atlas Vector Search가 가장 사랑받는 벡터 데이터베이스로 선정되었습니다. 사용자가 동료에게 솔루션을 추천할 가능성을 측정하는 지표인 순추천지수(NPS)에서도 Atlas Vector Search가 가장 높은 점수를 받았습니다. Retool AI 현황 보고서는 개발자, 기술 리더, IT 의사 결정권자를 대상으로 벡터 데이터베이스, RAG(검색 증강 생성), AI…

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Atlas Vector Search é eleito novamente o banco de dados vetorial mais amado

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O relatório de 2024 "State of AI" da Retool acaba de ser lançado e, pelo segundo ano consecutivo, o MongoDB Atlas Vector Search foi considerado o banco de dados vetorial mais amado. O Atlas Vector Search recebeu a maior pontuação no NPS (Net Promoter Score), uma métrica da probabilidade do…

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PyTorch vs. TensorFlow for building streaming data apps

Machine learning (ML) has transformed problem-solving in software development. At its core, ML involves training algorithms to perform specific tasks by learning from data rather than being explicitly programmed to do so. Various frameworks offer prebuilt methods, functions, and structures that simplify the complex tasks of designing, training, and deploying…

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What is Graph Database Federation? Benefits and Use Cases

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What is Graph Database Federation? Benefits and Use Cases You’ve probably heard the buzz around graph databases and how they handle complex data relationships. But what if you could connect multiple graph databases and query them as if they were one? That’s where graph database federation comes in. Imagine having…

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Understanding Graph Relationships

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Understanding Graph Relationships You’ve probably heard about graph databases, but understanding their core components can seem daunting. One of the most important aspects is graph relationships. These relationships define how different entities connect within the graph. If you’re new to this, don’t worry. We’ll break down what graph relationships are…

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