Tutorial: Creating wireframes with Penpot

Wireframes are low-fidelity skeleton designs focusing on content, interface elements, navigation, and layout. They’re usually grayscale line drawings with no imagery, color, or attractive typography. You might be tempted to draw wireframes by hand, but using a design tool like Penpot can speed up the process, allowing you to speedily reposition…

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Design systems with Penpot

Design systems are collections of design patterns, code snippets, and guiding documentation. Teams can use these systems across projects to create more consistent user experiences and efficient design and development processes. Design systems are a great collaborative tool and save teams from reinventing the wheel on each new project when it…

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7 crucial design system elements for teams and how to create them

Design systems offer numerous benefits for organizations, such as helping teams collaborate, reducing build time, and ensuring consistency. When used to create new products, design systems help even new team members get up to speed quickly. However, design systems are only as good as their parts. While companies differ on what…

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Introducing Discourse AI

We are happy to announce Discourse AI, the first step in integrating Artificial Intelligence with Discourse communities. Our new plugin is our one-stop solution offering both new features and enhancing existing ones. With this first release, we are shipping 7 different Discourse AI modules.  These modules are designed to  help…

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How The OT Potential Club Used Discourse to Turn Their Low-Cost MVP into a Thriving Community.

“I remember in our early discussion, we were looking at around $100,000 to build out the features we wanted. But, with Discourse, we were able to launch our MVP for $5,000 and start testing our idea right away!”Starting with a vision The OT Potential Club is a community of occupational…

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Running Ruby 3.2’s YJIT in Production at Discourse

At Discourse, we have been eager to adopt YJIT ever since Shopify’s Ruby & Rails Infrastructure team declared it production-ready. After witnessing promising local benchmarks, we began running our production Rails applications with Ruby 3.2’s YJIT enabled on selected clusters in early May 2023. We then spent some time measuring…

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Discourse 3.1 is here!

Today, we are pleased to announce Discourse 3.1! Filled with features for members and admins alike, this version includes chat threads, a more customizable sidebar, improved search and numerous other improvements. This release is accompanied by the launch of our Discourse AI plugin, embracing the power of emerging large language…

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How STEM-Away® Connects Students from over 400 Colleges to Opportunities using Discourse

Starting With a VisionTransitioning from academics to the professional world can present a challenge for students as they embark on the search for meaningful employment. Debaleena Das, founder of STEM-Away® , understands this challenge.  When first imagining STEM-Away® , Debaleena envisioned a platform that empowers students with real-world experiences. STEM-Away®…

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Online Community Engagement: Understanding Lurkers

In a time where connection and belonging have never been more essential, online communities have the potential to offer members the remarkable gift of being seen and heard. These virtual spaces, with their vast reach and diverse participants, offer a platform where individuals can share, learn, and engage like never…

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How Lawrence Systems Built a Thriving Community using Discourse

Discourse allows you to build the community the way you want and it allows you very strong control over that community and I think you grow a better community.The internet has long served as a virtual gathering place where individuals seeking answers and information naturally gravitate towards forming communities. Through…

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