Perf Matters at Wikipedia in 2016

Thumbor shadow-serving production traffic Wikimedia Commons is our open media repository. Like Wikipedia and its other sister projects, Commons runs on the MediaWiki platform. Commons is home to millions of photos, documents, videos, and other multimedia files. MediaWiki has a built-in imagescaler that, until now, we used in production as…

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How we’re building our Kubernetes pipeline in GitLab

By Tyler Cipriani Creating a Docker image for your service should be easy—cram your code and its dependencies into a container: boom. done. But that’s never the whole story. You have to build new images for each release, monitor them for vulnerabilities, and find a way to safely ship them…

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Registration & Scholarship Application for Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 is Open! 

You might have already heard the buzz: the Wikimedia Hackathon is gearing up for an incredible event in Tallinn, Estonia, from May 3rd to 5th, 2024. Now, we’re thrilled to announce that the Registration form, which also includes an optional Scholarship application, is officially open until Friday January 5th 2024.…

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What Is Data Ethics & Why Is It Important in Business?

Data is powerful — every business on earth uses data. But some are leveraging it more than others.The problem?Not all businesses are using data ethically.You need to collect, store, and analyse data to grow your business. But, if you aren’t careful, you could be crossing the line with your data…

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Data Privacy Issues to Be Aware of and How to Overcome Them

Data privacy issues are a significant concern for users globally.Around 76% of US consumers report that they would not buy from a company they do not trust with their data. In the European Union, a 2021 study found that around 53% of EU internet users refused to let companies access…

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10 Customer Segments Examples and Their Benefits

Now that companies can segment buyers, the days of mass marketing are behind us. Customer segmentation offers various benefits for marketing, content creation, sales, analytics teams and more. Without customer segmentation, your personalised marketing efforts may fall flat. According to the Twilio 2023 state of personalisation report, 69% of business leaders…

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