Away From the Keyboard: Apoorva Joshi, MongoDB Senior AI Developer Advocate

Welcome to our article series focused on developers and what they do when they’re not building incredible things with code and data.

“Away From the Keyboard” features interviews with developers at MongoDB, discussing what they do, how they establish a healthy work-life balance, and their advice for others looking to create a more holistic approach to coding.

In this article, Apoorva Joshi shares her day-to-day responsibilities as a Senior AI Developer Advocate at MongoDB; what a flexible approach to her job and life looks like; and how her work calendar helps prioritize overall balance.

Photo of Apoorva Joshi

Q: What do you do at MongoDB?

Apoorva: My job is to help developers successfully build AI applications using MongoDB. I do this through written technical content, hands-on workshops, and design whiteboarding sessions.

Q: What does work-life balance look like for you?

Apoorva: I love remote work. It allows me to have a flexible approach towards work and life where I can accommodate life things, like dental appointments, walks, or lunches in the park during my work day—as long as work gets done.

Q: Was that balance always a priority for you or did you develop it later in your career?

Apoorva: Making work-life balance a priority has been a fairly recent development. During my first few years on the job, I would work long hours, partly because I felt like I needed to prove myself and also because I hadn’t prioritized finding activities I enjoyed outside of school or work up until then.

The first lockdown during the pandemic put a lot of things into perspective. With work and life happening in the same place, I felt the need for boundaries. Having nowhere to go encouraged me to try out new hobbies, such as solving jigsaw puzzles; as well as reconnecting with old favorites, like reading and painting.

Q: What benefits has this balance given you?

Apoorva: Doing activities away from the keyboard makes me more productive at work. A flexible working schedule also creates a stress-free environment and allows me to bring my 100% to work. This balance helps me make time for family and friends, exercise, chores, and hobbies. Overall, having a healthy work-life balance helps me lead a fulfilling life that I am proud of.

Q: What advice would you give to a developer seeking to find a better balance?

Apoorva: The first step to finding a balance between work and life is to recognize that boundaries are healthy. I have found that putting everyday things, such as lunch breaks and walks on my work calendar is a good way to remind myself to take that break or close my laptop, while also communicating those boundaries with my colleagues. If you are having trouble doing this on your own, ask a family member, partner, or friend to remind you!

Thank you to Apoorva Joshi for sharing her insights! And thanks to all of you for reading. Look for more in our new series.

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And let us know if you have any questions for our future guests when it comes to building a better work-life balance as developers. Tag us on social media: @/mongodb