Zabbix for MSPs with Andre Morton

To help make sure that everyone’s up to speed with Zabbix Summit 2024 speakers and their topics, we’re continuing our series of interviews with Andre Morton of AGM Network Consultancy LTD. Keep reading to learn how he feels Zabbix can alleviate the typical pain points of managed service providers (MSPs), see how he uses Zabbix to maintain control of his network, and find out what he appreciates most about Zabbix.

Please tell us a bit about yourself and the journey that led you to AGM Network Consultancy LTD.

I started out studying Network Engineering at the University of Greenwich, and then went on to undertake a Masters of Networks and Security at the University of Kent. During my Masters, I was a one-man IT Team for a Child Care agency spanning the UK. I then went on to work at three small IT companies/MSPs, being the only Network Engineer at each company and managing networks with 80 – 200 customers.

How long have you been using Zabbix? How has it impacted your everyday tasks?

I have been using Zabbix for about 10 years now. At first, I just used it to get insights via SNMP. Then I began using it to create visual troubleshooting aids for myself and non-networking team members. Finally, I began using Zabbix as my main inventory gathering tool for networking and infrastructure devices. When it comes to that, Zabbix has enabled me to control how I want to monitor the network, avoiding vendor limitations and allowing me to build my own scripts to run tests and actions that I would not otherwise be able to do.

Can you give us a few clues about what we can expect to hear during your Zabbix Summit presentation?

I may have to condense some things, as I don’t want to be too technical or take too long! I’ll definitely talk about what drew me to Zabbix, how I used Zabbix to turn problems that require a large amount of attention and time into scripts that can identify the problems and capture the problem states, and how Zabbix dashboards help me to get a clear overview of customer and site problems/general status. I’ll also speak about scripts that we now use to troubleshoot and undertake remote actions, give examples of what the value of the monitoring data is to MSPs before and after the problem, and let everyone in on my upcoming plans for Zabbix, which include webhooks from the map, scripts; Zabbix’s place in our bespoke systems, and network automation.

What, in your opinion, are the biggest pain points MSPs have, and how can Zabbix help alleviate them?

I’d say that there are two big pain points that Zabbix is of assistance with – providing troubleshooting time for big problems, and making sure that historical data is ready for troubleshooting.

What do you appreciate the most about Zabbix in your role?

Zabbix allows me to drastically reduce the amount of administration and troubleshooting that I have to undertake and provides a live inventory of devices (software/firmware details). Thanks to Zabbix, I don’t have to use multiple tools or log into multiple devices to get software and firmware version details.

The post Zabbix for MSPs with Andre Morton appeared first on Zabbix Blog.