A Change in Our Pricing: Listening, Learning, and Looking Forward

A Change in Our Pricing: Listening, Learning, and Looking Forward

Hey everyone, Ben here… 👋

Today, I want to talk about some changes we’re making to our pricing model at Directus. But before we dive in, I want to share a bit about the journey that led us here.

For years, we’ve been on a mission to provide a premium, open-source data platform that empowers developers and organizations of all sizes. Along the way, we’ve learned that building a sustainable open-source business is a delicate balance — one that requires constant iteration and, most importantly, listening to our community.

Recently, we’ve heard loud and clear from many of you that our current pricing model, based on API requests and bandwidth, was causing some headaches. It was difficult to predict costs and, in some cases, it was actually limiting how much you could use and benefit from Directus. That’s the last thing we want.

Additionally, we heard that many users couldn’t justify the $99/month Professional Cloud price point for smaller projects.

So, we went back to the drawing board. We asked ourselves:

How can we create a pricing model that aligns with the value our users are getting, while ensuring Directus remains sustainable for the long haul?

We’ve created a more affordable tier for smaller projects, and we are moving to an “active” seat-based pricing model. Here’s what that means:

  1. We’ve heard that our Professional Cloud tier at $99/month was a bit steep for some users, so we’ve introduced a new “Starter” tier at $15/month. This is a game-changer for smaller projects or those just getting started with Directus.
  2. This tier is break-even for us. We’re not trying to make a profit here… just cover our cloud costs and ensure Directus runs smoothly for these use cases. It’s our way of making Directus more accessible in a sustainable way.
  3. For our Starter, Professional, and Business Cloud offerings, you’ll only be charged for team members who are using the Directus App. Any users who only access Directus via the API are not considered “seats” and do not count towards pricing. This approach ensures you’re paying for what you’re actually using.

“How will user management be handled?”

Clarity and control regarding seats is crucial to this model working. That’s why we’re updating our documentation with best practices for user management. We actually recommend auditing your instance monthly for security reasons anyway, so this aligns well with those best practices.

We want to ensure a smooth transition for all existing Professional Cloud customers, and providing at least 6-months OR until the end of your current subscription (whichever is longer) to assess your current seats and make any necessary adjustments. As always, our incredible support team is here to help you through this process and answer any questions you might have.

I want to emphasize that we take all of these changes very seriously.

It’s the result of countless conversations with users, deep dives into our data, and a genuine desire to create a win-win situation for both our community and the long-term sustainability of Directus.

We’re in this together. Your feedback has been invaluable in shaping not just our pricing, but the entire direction of Directus. We believe these updates will allow more people to benefit from Directus while ensuring we can continue to invest in making it even better.

I’m excited about where things are heading, and I’m grateful for your ongoing support and trust in Directus.

As we move forward, please don’t hesitate to reach out with your thoughts or questions, and here’s to building a better, more accessible Directus for everyone! 🚀