Build-Your-Own Starship Enterprise — Reflections on DrupalCon Portland 2024

Other communities have taken different paths toward similar goals as our own. I had the privilege of giving — and getting — outside perspectives on Drupal and TYPO3 once again at the 2024 North American DrupalCon.

Mathias Bolt Lesniak attended DrupalCon in Portland, Oregon, USA, 6–9 May 2024, for the TYPO3 Association, as a part of the Meet TYPO3 initiative. Mathias is the TYPO3 project ambassador. See upcoming Meet TYPO3 events.

Starshot Surprise

From a feature perspective, Drupal is maybe the closest cousin to TYPO3, and just like TYPO3 v11, Drupal v11 will also be a rocket-themed release. So far, so good.

Any thought I might have had that there were no surprises left in the CMS world was quickly dispelled during the Driesnote, the opening keynote address by Dries Buytaert and DrupalCon’s biggest attraction. The project lead challenged the Drupal community to channel its collective contribution efforts into Starshot: a push to build and release an easy-to-use CMS for beginners as a Drupal CMS on top of Drupal Core. All in eight months. All based on community contribution.