TTL #160 – TechQuest and Hackaton

Join us for a presentation of the upcoming TechQuest and Hackaton, scheduled in September in Lisbon, Portugal, with our special guest Axel Faust. After a review of current Hackaton proposals on GitHub, everybody will be able to enable webcams and microphones for a community meeting, ask questions, and share ideas.

Let’s prepare the Hackaton together, all community members are welcome to participate to this TTL.

Add you Hackaton ideas on Github

Date: Wednesday 17 July 2024

Time: 10AM EST | 3PM BST | 4PM CEST

Antoine Thomas and Angel Borroy, Hyland
Axel Faust, Acosix


Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 14.49.14.png

Register here: TTL #160 – Zoom registration