Introducing Spreadsheet Layout in Directus Explore

Introducing Spreadsheet Layout in Directus Explore

You can now install the brand new Spreadsheet Layout from the Directus Marketplace and start editing your data within Directus Explore. This has been one of the most upvoted items in our feature request board and we’re happy that it’s now available.

The layout can automatically save or allow you to make many changes before manually saving, based on feedback in the feature request. It may sound small, but this is going to be a huge change for teams that need to edit data often. Thanks to our community member Florian for working with us on this.

Directus Labs is our space to build experiments and gather feedback. Not everything that is published by Directus Labs will be maintained the same way as the Core project, but it gives us room to try out new things and respond to our users.

Directus AI, launched last month, is a collection of 10 extensions also published as part of Directus Labs.

We plan to ship new integrations, interfaces, and automations more quickly through Labs and embrace Directus as a super extensible platform ready for your projects.