Announcing Directus Community Experts

Announcing Directus Community Experts

Directus has thrived thanks to our vibrant community. With over 12,500 members in our Discord server, our community helps each other build with Directus, showcases their projects, and collaborates on new ones.

Additionally, we have hundreds of contributors on GitHub and tens of thousands of stars, a testament to the collective effort in shaping Directus. We are deeply thankful for the love and care our community brings.

In response to frequent inquiries about contributing beyond code. The Directus Community Experts program is our answer.

This program is crafted to help you bring Directus to your own communities and networks, wherever you are in the world. At its launch, the program will focus on events—both bringing Directus into existing events near you and organizing new events with our support. We have tailored this program to ensure you gain valuable experiences.

If writing suits you, our guest author program remains open for submissions. This is a fantastic avenue to share your knowledge and experiences with a broader audience while contributing to the community.

To join the Community Experts program, register your interest at by the end of June. We will review and send more information after that.

We look forward to your participation in building and enriching the Directus community!