Streamlining Content Review and Modification with,, and OpenAI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer in content production, automating the process to an unprecedented degree. However, one cannot overlook the fact that AI-generated content, while innovative and efficient, may sometimes fall short of meeting specific requirements. Similar to the need for optimizing and adjusting prompts, AI-produced content occasionally requires modifications.

Thankfully, with,, and OpenAI, you can effortlessly set up an automated workflow for content review and modification, eliminating the need for manual adjustments.

The Power of in Streamlining Workflow Automation simplifies workflow automation by transforming your data effortlessly with its Visual AI Database. As we explored in a previous article, connects to over 6,000 applications via platforms like Albato, Zapier, Make, Pabbly, and Activepieces.

By linking with OpenAI via, we can automate blog content production. Building on this foundation, we can further enhance the workflow by incorporating review and modification modules in the process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Automated Content Review and Modification

The following steps supplement the automated content production process we previously outlined. If you need guidance on that process, refer to our earlier blog.

Step 1: Operationalizing the Review and Modification Process

First, add a new field to the ‘blog creation’ table in AITable called ‘Suggested amendments’, where editors can provide suggestions for content review and modification. Additionally, add a new option ‘Revise’ to the existing ‘Status’ column.

Next, modify the ‘send web request’ automation in to ensure that the participant information is received by For the trigger, select ‘Record Matches Conditions,’ and set the condition to activate when the status changes to ‘Revise’.

For the action, choose ‘Send Web Request’ and modify the necessary information accordingly. The JSON text in the ‘Body’ should include the variables ‘status’, ‘Content’, and ‘Suggested amendments’.

Streamlining Content Review and Modification with

In, open the ‘blog creation Scenarios’ and test whether the data capture is successful. Following this, add a new router after the webhook to distinguish between trigger situations.

Streamlining Content Review and Modification with

Connect the existing OpenAI branch, setting the filter condition to execute the workflow of this branch when the status is ‘Draft creation’.

Streamlining Content Review and Modification with

Step 2: Creating a New Branch for Revisions

Next, create a new branch with the filter condition set to execute the workflow of this branch when the status is ‘Revise’.

Streamlining Content Review and Modification with

Following this, create a new module, again selecting OpenAI. For the method, choose ‘Create a Chat Completion’, select the model and role, and fill in your prompt in the message content. The key here is to modify the ‘Content’ based on the ‘Suggested amendments’ and output the complete article content using variables from Set ‘Maxtokens’ to 0.

Streamlining Content Review and Modification with

Step 3: Finalizing the Process with

For the final step, add as the last module, selecting ‘Update Records’ as the action. Connect your account, select the corresponding space and table, and fill in the results generated in the previous steps to the corresponding variables in the configuration panel.

Streamlining Content Review and Modification with

After successful testing, save and publish the scenario.

The Implications of Office Automation with

Automating office tasks with can revolutionize your workflow by significantly improving efficiency. By adding automated review and modification steps to your blog production workflow, you not only save time but also ensure consistency in content quality. You retain control over the content direction while allowing AI to handle the demanding task of content modification based on your feedback. This frees you up to focus more on strategic tasks and innovation.

Embrace the future of content production and let automation do the work for you. With,, and OpenAI, you can streamline your blog production, ensuring a consistent flow of high-quality content while saving valuable time and resources. Start your journey towards efficient content production today!