Ansible Contributor Summit, Durham 2023

Ansible Contributor Summit, Durham 2023

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The Ansible Contributor Summit is a full day working session for
community contributors to interact with one another and meet with the
Ansible development teams behind the projects like AWX, Galaxy NG,
Molecule, Ansible Lint and Event-Driven Ansible. We will discuss
important issues affecting the Ansible Community and help shape the
future of collaboration.

We are happy to have the opportunity to do a second Contributor Summit
this year, and this time it will be part of DjangoCon US 2023 in Durham,
NC. Our previous experience co-locating the Contributor Summit with
another related event was in February in Ghent, Belgium as part of
CfgMgmtCamp 2023. It was so successful, we wanted to do it again with
another great match.

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