EspoCRM 8.0 released

v8.0 is out. It’s a major release with a significant rework in the front-end and a few deprecations removals. It brings some new features and improvements. See more detail below.

Navbar grouping

The ability to group navbar tabs with dividers and optional labels.

Available only for side navbar.

Light theme

The new light theme.

Export customizations to installable extension package

The ability to export customizations made via Entity Manager to an installable extension package. The extension then can be installed on another instance. Files in the extension are moved to a specified module.

What to be exported:

  • custom entities
  • entity params
  • fields
  • relationships
  • translations
  • layouts (only for custom entities)
  • formula

Non-programmers can use it to migrate configuration from dev to production. Programmers can use it for prototyping stage. Then, add more complex logic to the extension. It also can be used to share ideas w/ the community. Or even publish simple solutions.

Duplicate checking fields

The ability to configure the field list that will be used when checking for duplicates.

Release notes

Improvements & enhancements:

  • Navbar tab grouping #2780
  • Light theme #2799
  • Export customizations to installable extension package #2794
  • Duplicate checking fields #2790
  • Layout sets for specific users #2796
  • Entity Manager: Parameter ‘Duplicate check on update’ #2789
  • Custom list layouts for relationship panels #2792
  • My Inbox dashlet: Folder option #2760
  • Roles: Message permission #2784
  • Formula: recordfindMany function #2785
  • Not allowing to remove required link from foreign record #2797
  • List (Small) layout on small screen #2800



  • ORM: Ability to join sub-queries #2756
  • CORS middleware #2755

All issues: