Highlights from OW2 15 anniversary

The celebrations for the OW2 15 anniversary took place in Paris on June 29 and 30 concurrently with the Cloud data center + Infra Symposium.

OW2 community showcased some of its project, among them KNOWAGE, and initiatives at booth D41 in Hall 5.1.

In both days, in the salle Renoir, OW2 run the conference Open Cloud.

In June 29, Stefano Scamuzzo and Daniele Gagliardi from Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. told on stage the history of Engineering’s participation in the OW2 Community highlighting the motivation for Engineering as a large and recognized systems integrator to embrace the open source culture, the value provided to the OW2 codebase by the KNOWAGE open source BI and analytics project, the outcomes of the initiatives where Engineering has actively participated, the relationships with the European Research projects.

The speech was followed by a round table on the topic “Information Systems: How to manage interactions with the open source ecosystem?” and the OW2con’22 Best Project Awards ceremony.

In the same day, OW2 community gathered for the social event with cocktail dinatoire et networking.

On June 30, the Open Cloud by OW2 continued with the presentations of OW2 Open Source solutions for the Cloud  and the round table on “Risks and opportunities for European open source publishers facing cloud giants“.

This OW2 15 anniversary has been a great opportunity to meet again in person with one of the most renowned European open source communities and to set new goals and vision for the next years.

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