Data & Analytics Academy

From November 21st 2022 to January 16th, 2023 the “Enrico Della Valle” IT & Management Academy delivers the new edition of the Data & Analytics Academy.

The Academy participants, 10 young italian STEM graduates, experience a three-step path of entry into Engineering Group.

The first week, carried out in residential mode at the Academy headquarters, allows participants to get fully involved into Engineering company. Through a broad serie of activities (team bulding games, agile mindset training, lectures…), guided by renowned partners such as HXO and Talent Garden, they gain full awareness on their role in a team and within a Digital Transformation Company leader in Italy such as Engineering.

The second part of the program is focused on technical skills consolidation: sql, data modeling, dwh, etl e data visualization.

In the last part of the Academy, participants will receive specific education on the most important subject of the company area in which they will be inserted. Many of them will then be educated on KNOWAGE by our Senior Consultant and Dataviz specialist, Marco Cortella and will officially join KNOWAGE Labs.

If you would like to partecipate in one of our next academies, on this page you will soon find the next available editions.

Data & Analytics Academy

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