Home Assistant is 11 years old!

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Art by Clelia

I’ve said it before, but Home Assistant would be nothing without its community. That’s why we decided this year to focus our anniversary celebration on acknowledging and thanking our amazing community. It’s fitting as 2024 was the year we added a dedicated community manager, Missy Quarry, who hosted this celebration of you in our 11th Anniversary live stream.

Missy co-hosted the stream with creator and Home Assistant community member Andrej Broz, better known as Bearded Tinker. Together they threw a barrage of questions at Frenck and myself – we didn’t see any of them ahead of time so our responses don’t get any more real than that. It was a lot of fun, and there was even a little announcement slipped in there, so please check it out.

We can’t thank our community enough for the past 11 years. You are the engine driving forward Home Assistant. You put in your spare time to test, fix, build, and share your ideas. You fund our work by subscribing to Home Assistant Cloud, which allows us to devote our full attention to you, and never have to answer to a bunch of investors. We couldn’t do it without you.


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Top Five Policies for Runtime API Governance

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API governance provides a framework for defining policies and standards to ensure APIs are consistent, compliant, and secure. However, a common misconception about API governance is that it is solely about API design concerns, such as following a specified pagination pattern or ensuring API descriptions adhere to specific linting rules.…

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Implementing Runtime API Governance in Traefik Hub

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In a recent blog post, we discussed the top five policies for runtime API governance. Now, let’s look at how Traefik Hub implements these policies. Traefik Hub is a Kubernetes-native API management solution built with scalability, flexibility, and simplicity in mind. Traefik Hub helps route traffic to services in dynamic,…

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Apache Software Foundation Initiatives to Fuel the Next 25 Years of Open Source Innovation 

Annual report for 2024 fiscal year highlights Foundation’s commitment to providing software for the public good since its formation in 1999 The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 320 active open source projects and initiatives, today released its annual report for the 2024…

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Announcing New ASF Board Member Kanchana Welagedara

Apache Software Foundation (ASF) board member Christofer Dutz resigned from the board of directors for personal reasons and is succeeded by Kanchana Welagedara. We thank Chris for his service to the ASF and ongoing contributions to many open source projects Apache PLC4X, Apache IoTDB, Apache Incubator, and Apache TAC. Kanchana…

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Leading the Way: MinIO’s Conditional Write Feature for Modern Data Workloads

When AWS S3 speaks, people listen. Last week they announced the conditional write feature. But this isn't breaking news for us at MinIO—we initially merged support for conditional writes back in February 2023, and many of our customers have been using it ever since. Given AWS’s recent announcement and the…

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Migrating from HDFS to MinIO Enterprise Object Store

Cloud native, Kubernetes-oriented, microservices based architectures are driving the need for over-the-network storage such as MinIO. The benefits of object storage are numerous in a cloud native environment - it allows elastic scaling of compute hardware independent of storage hardware. It makes applications stateless, as state is stored over the…

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Why Confluent’s WarpStream Acquisition Reinforces Object Storage as the Future of Data Streaming

Confluent's recent acquisition of WarpStream has significant implications for the future of data streaming and object storage integration. WarpStream, was built to operate directly on object storage. Their BYOC model  has allowed WarpStream to manage data streaming workloads more efficiently by leveraging cloud-native infrastructure without the typical inter-AZ networking costs…

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