Providing Best-in-Class Security with Heather Diaz of fTLD Registry

As the Vice President of Compliance and Policy at fTLD Registry Services, Heather Diaz is a security expert with over a decade of experience in ensuring the legal, compliance, and strategic alignment of the top-level domains .Bank and .Insurance. She is a compliance and ethics professional and leads the policy and security compliance functions at fTLD.

We sat down with her to learn more about how Zabbix makes her job easier, why she appreciates the inherent flexibility of our solutions, and how she works with our team to help make sure fTLD’s domains are as secure as they can possibly be.

Can you give us a bit of background on fTLD and what it does? What makes your business proposition stand out?

fTLD Registry is the domain authority for .Bank and .Insurance – the most trusted and exclusive domain extensions for banks, insurers, and producers. Our mission is to offer these industry-created and governed domains a shield against cyberattacks and fraud, delivering peace of mind with website and email security.

Since 2011, fTLD Registry has collaborated with experts in cybersecurity, domain security, and the banking and insurance sectors to develop Security Requirements that mitigate cyber threats such as phishing, spoofing, cybersquatting, and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Why is monitoring especially important for fTLD?

Security monitoring is a key value for .Bankers (banks who have switched to .Bank) and our .Insurance customers as well. They receive reporting from our customized Zabbix monitoring system whenever security vulnerabilities are detected. This ensures we provide proactive compliance security monitoring, which allows them to address any findings and keep their .Bank and .Insurance websites and email channels secure.

Are there any specific points you were looking to address with a new monitoring approach?

fTLD has continued to enhance our security requirements for .Bank and .Insurance to address new and evolving cybersecurity threats and provide more secure and trusted online interactions for the financial services sector and their customers. We do this by partnering with Zabbix’s security experts and engineers to make sure our security requirements and monitoring continue to provide best-in-class domain security for .Bank and .Insurance.

Can you please share any business or operational areas that have seen improvements since implementing Zabbix?

Our compliance area has enjoyed having time to engage with .Bank and .Insurance customers to educate them about how to address any security vulnerabilities, as the Zabbix system takes care of sending notifications and warnings to our customers. Not only that, the Zabbix system gives us a dashboard with easy-to-interpret metrics, the ability to generate ad-hoc reporting, and with a number of important data elements integrated, such as customer contact information and their domain status (e.g., live), so our team can always have secure employee access to security monitoring data no matter where in the world we are working. Here are just some of the external interfaces, Agent2 plugins, and custom notifications we developed together with the Zabbix team.

External interfaces:

  • ICANN CZDS (to get a list of zones)
  • Whois (to get zone and registrar details)
  • CRM (to get a list of verification contacts)
  • Marketing system (to get a list of additional zone details)
  • Subdomain discoverer (to discover zone records)

Agent2 plugins

  • DNSSEC plugin (for DNSSEC-related checks)
  • Nameservers plugin (to perform nameserver-related checks)
  • Certificate plugin (to validate TLS ciphers and certificates)
  • Port check plugin (to check what ports are open and verify the security of opened ports)
  • DMARC/SPF plugin (to check presence and validity of DMARC and SPF records)
  • Web redirect plugin (to check validity of HTTP headers and redirects)


  • Media types to send compliance reports

Is there anything else you’d like to share about Zabbix and our capabilities?

Zabbix is a great partner for security monitoring, as they’re willing to develop new features to provide a service that meets our exacting business requirements and their support is highly responsive. Most solutions come as they are. With Zabbix, we were able to customize and adapt their solution when new needs came up. My favorite feature is how we provide automated reporting to our customers and key stakeholders – it’s all automated and handled by the Zabbix platform.

The post Providing Best-in-Class Security with Heather Diaz of fTLD Registry appeared first on Zabbix Blog.