Community Budget Idea Report: ACL Improvements Phase

You can read more about it here.

If you are following announcements on, you probably know that the members gave us the green light to work on the second part of TYPO3 ACL improvements in Q2/2024: ACL UX/UI Improvements

Now, with this short background of the history, let’s see what our team accomplished in Q2.

Backend User Group Form: Tab Content Reorganization and Improved Naming

One of the things we initially planned to change in UI and UX was the layout of the backend user group form, perhaps making it more condensed and horizontal. We consulted with UX team members Rachel Foucard and Riccardo De Contardi during our online meeting. I presented them with some concepts, but in the end, we agreed that making layout changes only in this single view (backend user group form) wouldn’t be a good idea. The main argument against these changes was that users are familiar with the general structure of tabs in the TYPO3 forms, and we do not want to confuse them.

In the end, we decided to reorganize the content of the tabs in the backend user group form and improve the naming of several elements. Instead of having a single Access Rights tab with many fields inside, there are now two separate tabs: Record Permissions and Module Permissions. As the names suggest, the first tab contains fields for managing record permissions, while the second tab contains those related to modules.