Report From the eGovernance Conference in Tartu, Estonia

After great outcomes from last year’s eGovernance Conference, in the Estonian capital, Tallinn, I was very much looking forward to this year’s event. The host city was no longer Tallinn, but the 2024 European Capital of Culture, Tartu, in the middle of the country.

Daniel Homorodean, Mathias Bolt Lesniak, and Stefan Busemann attended the 10th eGovernance Conference, in Tartu, Estonia, 28–29 May 2024, for the TYPO3 Association, as a part of the Meet TYPO3 initiative. Daniel leads the TYPO3 Community Expansion Committee, Mathias is the TYPO3 project ambassador, and Stefan is treasurer in the TYPO3 Association board. See upcoming Meet TYPO3 events.