The Fediverse Files: The Magic of Federation

Remember when commenting on blogs and interacting with other commenters was one of the core pieces of enjoying the web? Matthias Pfefferle is making commenting cool again with ActivityPub for WordPress, a plugin that seamlessly connects your WordPress website to the fediverse.  In this interview, Doc Pop and Matthias talk…

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Has Open Source Won if We Sacrifice a Freedom? A Report from Drupaljam Utrecht

For their conference's 20th anniversary the event organizers invited “fellow open source communities to share [Drupaljam’s] 20th anniversary event and welcome to join our event, share ideas, find inspiration and common ground.” I attended on behalf of TYPO3, and had one of my talks accepted for the main stage. I…

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Benchmarking MinIO Enterprise Object Store with WARP and Perf test

Modern applications such as AI/ML, advanced analytics and databases require high-performance object storage. MinIO Enterprise Object Store’s combination of scalability and high-performance puts every workload, no matter how demanding, within reach. Our published benchmarks demonstrate that MinIO Enterprise Object Storage is the fastest object storage available, but it can only…

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Enhancing an Existing LLM Model with Domain-specific Jenkins Knowledge

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Table of Contents About the Project Milestones JenAI as a System Next Steps Acknowledgments Useful Links About the Project JenAI is a pioneering chatbot that is trained specifically to answer users’s queries about Jenkins technology which enhance the accessibility and usability of software. We aim to provide faster and more reliable…

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