CloudNativePG 1.24.0 and 1.23.4 Released!

The CloudNativePG Community is excited to announce the release of
CloudNativePG Operator versions 1.24.0 and 1.23.4!

CloudNativePG 1.24.0: What’s New?

This major update introduces powerful new features and enhancements, including:

  • Distributed PostgreSQL Topologies: Create distributed database topologies
    across multiple Kubernetes clusters, enabling hybrid and multi-cloud
    deployments. Enjoy declarative primary control and seamless switchover between
    clusters, ensuring high availability and resilience.
  • Managed Services: The new stanza allows for advanced
    service management, including the ability to disable read-only and read
    services via configuration, and the use of service templates to create custom
    service resources, such as load balancers, for accessing PostgreSQL outside
    Kubernetes—ideal for DBaaS scenarios.
  • Enhanced Synchronous Replication API: Gain full control over PostgreSQL’s
    synchronous replication configuration with a more flexible API, supporting
    both quorum-based and priority list strategies. Customize the
    synchronous_standby_names option to suit your needs.
  • WAL Disk Space Exhaustion Safeguard: A critical safety measure ensures
    that if disk space for WAL files is exhausted, the cluster will safely stop
    rather than triggering a chain of failovers. This prevents the cluster from
    entering an unrecoverable state and simplifies recovery by allowing for manual
    volume expansion.

For a detailed overview of these features and other changes, check out the
release notes.

Additional Enhancements in 1.24.0

Explore more improvements in CloudNativePG 1.24, including:

  • Declarative delayed replicas
  • Transparent support for PostgreSQL 17’s allow_alter_system
  • postInitSQLRefs and postInitTemplateSQLRefs
  • Observability enhancements

Check the full list of changes in the
release notes.

Upgrade and Maintenance

Before upgrading, please carefully review the
detailed upgrade instructions.

We strongly recommend upgrading to CloudNativePG 1.24.0 at your earliest
convenience. If you prefer to stay on version 1.23, be sure to update to 1.23.4
for continued stability and support. Note that version 1.23 will be supported
until November 22nd, 2024.

Join the Community

Become an active member of our growing open-source, vendor-neutral, and openly
governed community! Engage with fellow users, share insights, and receive
support. Join our Slack channel
and follow us on Twitter to stay
up-to-date with the latest news and announcements.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with CloudNativePG. Upgrade
today and unlock the full potential of your PostgreSQL deployments!

About CloudNativePG

CloudNativePG stands as a groundbreaking
open-source Kubernetes Operator designed explicitly for PostgreSQL workloads.
Seamlessly orchestrating the entire life cycle of a PostgreSQL cluster,
CloudNativePG takes charge from bootstrapping and configuration to ensuring
high availability, connection routing, and comprehensive backup and disaster
recovery mechanisms.
Leveraging PostgreSQL’s native streaming replication, CloudNativePG efficiently
distributes data across pods, nodes, and zones, utilizing standard Kubernetes
patterns. This enables seamless scaling of replicas in a Kubernetes-native
manner, with the operator autonomously and safely reconfiguring replication as
Originally conceived and supported by EDB,
CloudNativePG represents a paradigm shift in managing PostgreSQL workloads
within Kubernetes environments.