Odoo Spain is a Digitizing Agent

We are now digitizing agents! Odoo is now officially a digitizing agent, take advantage of your kit digital bonus by implementing our solution.

What is Kit Digital?

The kit digital is an initiative of the Government of Spain, which aims to subsidize the implementation of digital solutions financed by the European Union through NextGenerationEU funds, under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the Spain Digital 2026 agenda. Granted to SMEs to help them with digitalization, the main objective being to financially assist this process. The financial aid ranges from €3,000 to €12,000, the amount varies depending on different factors, the main one being the size of the company.

Small companies, from 10 to 49 employees, will be eligible for up to a maximum of €12,000 in subsidies, corresponding to segment I. Companies with between 3 and 10 employees will be eligible for a maximum of €6,000, corresponding to segment II. Finally, self-employed and micro-companies with 1 to 3 employees will be eligible for a maximum subsidy of €3,000, being those belonging to segment III.

The kit digital grants were created with the intention of promoting fair competitiveness among companies. As they all have access to the same level of digitalization and therefore ease in the management of processes, competition between companies belonging to the same sector will be more equitable. Digitization implies the transition from traditional management methods to digital means, such as business management software (ERP), accounting systems with electronic invoicing, etc. 

The kit digital subsidy is provided by Next Generation EU funds. Currently, the application deadline for the kit digital has been extended until December 31, 2024 for segments I and II and until October 31, 2025 for segment III. The subsidies, apart from by company size, are also awarded according to the degree of digitization of the applicant company.

Digitalization in businesses​

Taking into account the recent initiatives on digitalization driven by the Crea y Crece law, updating your company including management systems such as Odoo has become a necessity.

Odoo has made numerous developments to keep up with all aspects of digitalization in the Spanish market, such as electronic invoicing or TicketBAI. We are at the forefront of the changes introduced by new policies and have always demonstrated a commitment to helping businesses grow and evolve.

What elements are included in the subsidy?

The Odoo kit digital subsidy can be used for the implementation service of the system. To be able to implement it will be necessary to have a license for the use of the system, once this has been acquired and can make use of the voucher for implementation.

Within the different implementations that can be carried out from Odoo with the kit digital subsidy we find different options:

Website and internet presence. A website with domain and hosting included for 12 months, that is accessible and self-manageable, available in multiple languages and with basic SEO.

E-commerce. Following the line of online presence, it will be possible to have a product catalog in online store format, with various options of payment and shipping methods, as well as a basic SEO.

Customer management. From our CRM application will be managed the generation of leads either manually and / or automatically. Accompanied by the planning of commercial tasks and the import of active leads through Excel or CSV files.

Process management. It allows the implementation of the complete ERP management, from accounting management to projects, human resources, rentals, sales, manufacturing and a long etcetera. The options are wide and adaptable to any type of business.

Business Intelligence. Manage your data interactively with unlimited real-time dashboards. With the ability to export data and create interactive dashboards.

Electronic invoicing. The electronic invoice management is available in Odoo and now its implementation is covered by the kit digital voucher.

What are the next steps?

With Odoo it will be possible to benefit from the kit digital, once you have the kit digital voucher granted you can contact our experts, who will advise you and accompany you in the process to make it as simple as possible.