Mario Hernandez: SOLVED – Cannot crop based on original image after initial crop has been set

If you have read my posts about responsive images you will know I have done quite a bit of work with Drupal media and in particular, images. However, I recently ran into an issue I had not experienced before and it was quite challenging to comprehend. The issue was related…

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#! code: Drupal 10: An Introduction To Batch Processing With The Batch API

The Batch API is a powerful feature in Drupal that allows complex or time consuming tasks to be split into smaller parts.For example, let's say you wanted to run a function that would go through every page on you Drupal site and perform an action. This might be removing specific…

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Measuring brand impact: How LoopMe uses ClickHouse to deliver better brand advertising outcomes

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LoopMe is on a mission to bring brand advertising into the digital age. Founded in 2012, the company’s AI-powered ad tech solutions allow brands and agencies to effectively gauge consumer insights and improve the performance of brand advertising campaigns. Building great ad tech products requires vast amounts of data. For…

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