The Drop is Always Moving: Let’s meet at Drupal Starshot Initiative sessions at DrupalCon Barcelona! Check out this rundown of what you can look forward to at the event and buy your ticket before the regular prices end midnight on Monday August 19!…

Let's meet at Drupal Starshot Initiative sessions at DrupalCon Barcelona! Check out this rundown of what you can look forward to at the event and buy your ticket before the regular prices end midnight on Monday August 19!

Continue ReadingThe Drop is Always Moving: Let’s meet at Drupal Starshot Initiative sessions at DrupalCon Barcelona! Check out this rundown of what you can look forward to at the event and buy your ticket before the regular prices end midnight on Monday August 19!…

Dries Buytaert: Evolving Drupal’s Layout Builder to an Experience Builder

Imagine a world where installing Drupal instantly offers a creative experience that allows you to build and style pages right out of the box, without any need for additional modules or configuration. The introduction of Drupal's Layout Builder in 2018 was an important milestone toward this vision, but it was…

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Dries Buytaert: Drupal CMS: the official name for Drupal Starshot

We're excited to announce that "Drupal CMS" will be the official name for the product developed by the Drupal Starshot Initiative. The name "Drupal CMS" was chosen after user testing with both newcomers and experienced users. This name consistently scored highest across all tested groups, including marketers unfamiliar with Drupal.…

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Upgrade to Server ESR 9.11 and Desktop App ESR v5.9 for improved security and performance, compatibility & enhanced user experience

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Mattermost server v9.11 has been implemented as a new Extended Support Release in August, 2024. v9.11 will be supported until May 15, 2025. We have been maintaining v9.5 as our current ESR. This version is coming to the end of its life cycle. Starting November 16, 2024 we will no…

Continue ReadingUpgrade to Server ESR 9.11 and Desktop App ESR v5.9 for improved security and performance, compatibility & enhanced user experience