Dries Buytaert: Introducing Drupal Starshot’s product strategy

I'm excited to share the first version of Drupal Starshot's product strategy, a document that aims to guide the development and marketing of Drupal Starshot. To read it, download the full Drupal Starshot strategy document as a PDF (8 MB). This strategy document is the result of a collaborative effort…

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ImageX: Exploring the Drupal 11 Release: New Features and Major Enhancements

Authored by Nadiia Nykolaichuk.Drupal 11.0.0 has been successfully released as a new major Drupal version which is very exciting news for everyone using Drupal or thinking about making the switch! This flexible, accessible, powerful, integration-ready, and secure CMS has transformed even more on the way from Drupal 10 to Drupal 11. 

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Introducing CI/CD Steps, a programming language for DevSecOps automation

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For years, the DevOps industry has tried to simplify how developers create automation scripts or workflows to automatically test a code change and to perform a task with the resulting artifact or binary. Today, we are introducing CI/CD Steps, a programming language for DevSecOps automation in experiment phase, as a…

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TeamCity 2024.07.1 Bug Fix Is Out

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The 2024.07.1 bug fix for TeamCity On-Premises is now available for download!  This bug fix update resolves over 30 issues, including failing Maven builds in containers, agent Windows services not locating the bundled JRE, new licensing mechanism problems, and more. In addition, version 2024.07.1 resolves multiple important security issues and…

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Announcing CryptoHouse: Free Blockchain Analytics powered by ClickHouse and Goldsky

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  • Post category:Databases

TL;DR: We’re delighted to announce CryptoHouse, accessible at crypto.clickhouse.com, free blockchain analytics powered by ClickHouse. Existing public blockchain analytics services require scheduled, asynchronous queries, but ClickHouse offers real-time analytics, democratizing access by enabling instant query responses. Users can use SQL to query this data, which is updated in real-time, thanks…

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