Drupal Association blog: FAQs About Drupal 7’s End of Life

As Drupal 7’s end-of-life (EOL) approaches on 5 January 2025, many users have questions about what this means for their Drupal websites and what steps they need to take. Here, we address the most frequently asked questions to help you navigate this transition.

What does end-of-life mean for Drupal 7?

End-of-life (EOL) means that Drupal 7 will no longer receive security updates, fixes, or official support from the Drupal community after 5 January 2025. This will impact the security, compliance, and functionality of any site that continues to run on Drupal 7.

Why is Drupal 7 being retired?

Drupal 7 will be 14 years old when it reaches the end of life. That’s a long time in the software world. Drupal 7 is being retired to allow the Drupal community to focus on newer versions built with a more modern architecture and more advanced capabilitie. This shift ensures that resources are directed towards maintaining and innovating the more modern versions of Drupal, including the Drupal Starshot intiative.

What are the key dates I need to know?

  • 23 February 2022: Announcement of Drupal 7 EOL extension.
  • 1 August 2023: Commencement of reduced support for moderately critical issues, alongside other support changes.
  • 5 January 2025: Official end-of-life date for Drupal 7.

How will security support change?

Once Drupal 7 reaches its EOL, no further security advisories or updates will be provided. If you must remain on Drupal 7, we recommend opting for a commercial vendor who offers extended support. HeroDevs Drupal 7 Never-Ending Support (NES), is the first such offering available. This service is a seamless drop-in replacement for Drupal 7, providing your site with ongoing security updates, compliance support, and compatibility fixes past end-of-life.

What happens to unsupported modules and themes?

Starting 1 August 2023, any unsupported Drupal 7 module or theme will no longer be eligible for new maintenance once it goes unsupported. If a module or theme you rely on becomes unsupported, it’s crucial to proactively adopt or migrate it to a newer version. HeroDevs Drupal 7 NES also provides module support if you choose that route.

What are the PHP version requirements?

From 1 August 2023, Drupal 7 no longer supports PHP versions lower than 5.6. Further increases in the minimum PHP requirement may occur before Drupal 7’s EOL.

Are there any specific operating system considerations?

Drupal 7 security fixes for Windows-only issues ceased on 1 August 2023. If your site runs on Windows, migrating to another operating system is recommended.

Will drupal.org continue to package Drupal 7 distributions?

No, as of 1 August  2023, Drupal.org stopped packaging Drupal 7 distributions. Users needing a distribution built must use Drush make locally.

What are my options moving forward?

  1. Migrate to Modern Drupal: Upgrading to Drupal 10 or the upcoming Drupal 11 is strongly recommended to ensure continued security, support, and access to new features. Modern Drupal versions adopt the latest PHP standards and offer enhanced performance and security. In addition, Drupal Starshot is coming at the end of 2024, which bundles Drupal core with cutting-edge features and easier maintenance.
  2. Extended Security Support: The Drupal Association has partnered with HeroDevs to offer Drupal 7 Never-Ending Support (NES). This service provides ongoing security updates, compliance support, and compatibility fixes for Drupal 7 sites, allowing businesses more time to transition.
  3. Stay on Unsupported Drupal 7: Continuing to use Drupal 7 after its EOL is an option but comes with significant risks, including increased vulnerability to security exploits and compliance issues. Over time, support for PHP versions and other dependencies will also wane, making it harder to maintain your site. Other vendors may join the program before end of life.

How can I find migration assistance?

The Drupal Association is certifying migration partners to help Drupal 7 site owners transition. Certified Migration Partners will be promoted on Drupal.org and can provide resources to assist in the migration process.

What should I do if I need help?

For assistance, consider engaging with the Drupal community or Certified Migration Partners. Donating to the Drupal Security Team or sponsoring core maintainers and contributors can also help ensure the continuity and security of Drupal projects.


Organizations must make informed decisions as Drupal 7’s EOL approaches to maintain security, compliance, and functionality. Upgrading to Drupal 10, Drupal 11, or leveraging extended support options will position your site for long-term success.