Evolving the ASF Brand

By: Shane Curcuru, Board Chair

In the spirit of open communications that is core to our ethos, The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is announcing we are evolving our corporate logo and brand system to represent the “community over code” ethos we are known for, and ensure people feel welcome and included. ASF Marketing & Publicity and a Branding Steering Committee composed of ASF Members are collaborating with brand and design vendors to evolve our logo.

Like Apache HTTP, another important and recognizable aspect of the ASF brand is the feather logo. It’s changed only once in our history. The feather was first included in the Apache HTTP logo in 1997, then became the official logo of the Apache Software Foundation when it was formed in 1999. In 2016 the icon was given a more modern look and is what is currently in use today.

Original HTTP Server Project Logo in 1997

First ASF Logo Introduced in 1999

Logo from 2016 to Present Day

The feather is a well-loved and iconic part of the ASF brand. We know of community members who have ASF feather tattoos. People love taking photos with the feather at our flagship event each year. 

So why would we change it? As a non-Indigenous entity, we acknowledge that it is inappropriate for the Foundation to use Indigenous themes or language. We thank Natives in Tech and other members of the broader open source community for bringing this issue to the forefront. Today we are announcing we will be retiring the feather icon and logo and replacing it with a new logo that embodies the Foundation’s rich history of providing software for the public good. 

With multitudes of contributors around the world, we want the Foundation’s brand to represent the “community over code” ethos it is known for, and to ensure people feel welcome and included as described in our Code of Conduct.

Last year we changed the name of our flagship event to Community Over Code, formerly called ApacheCon. ASF Marketing & Publicity also formed a Branding Steering Committee to guide the process of creating the new logo and brand identity, and ASF Members will have the opportunity to contribute to the branding process and vote on the new logo. Changes to our brand will also apply to ASF open source projects using Indigenous imagery. Watch the ASF blog for updates on progress and join us October 7-10, 2024, at Community Over Code NA where we’ll unveil the new logo.

If you have ideas, suggestions or comments, get in touch with us at [email protected]


Why just the feather? Why not the name?
When a name has been in use as long and is as widely used  as ours, the legal, technical, and financial ramifications are broad and deep. A name change effort would have a hefty price tag, would take multiple years to implement, and would have to be led almost entirely by volunteers. As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, it is not possible to divert the majority of our funding and volunteers away from our primary mission of providing software for the public good, especially as the foundation prepares for mandatory changes that will come from the Cybersecurity Resilience Act (CRA) and other pending legislation. Because of these very real challenges, at this time it would be very difficult to implement a legal name change for The ASF. 

Because of these reasons, the ASF Board has decided to prioritize changing the logo and branding and not changing the organization’s name at this time. It is important to us that we take whatever actionable steps we can now to create a more welcoming and inclusive community.

What is the timeline for these changes to take effect? 
The new logo and brand will be unveiled at Community Over Code NA in October 2024.

I’m a contributor/user of ASF software. How will this impact me?
The brand update will not affect the Apache License nor any of our released software in any way, so contributors and users will not be impacted. 

I use the ASF logo on my website or printed materials. How will this impact me?
Starting October 7, 2024, your usage of The ASF’s logo must be in compliance with the new logo and brand guidelines that will be available on our Brand Guidelines page. Until then, no action is required.

My ASF project has a logo with Indigenous imagery. What do I need to do?
If your project uses a logo that includes Indigenous imagery, ASF M&P can provide graphic design services to update your logo to be in compliance. If we have not contacted your project yet, get in touch with us at [email protected]

What is the difference between a logo and a brand?
A logo is a graphical representation of a company’s name, acronym, or symbol. 

A brand, on the other hand, is more holistic and includes elements such as mission, values, culture, the types of services we provide, mascots and slogans, and the tone of voice we use in content (e.g., website) – in addition to the logo – that defines how the organization is perceived by contributors, users, etc. 

The post Evolving the ASF Brand appeared first on The Apache Software Foundation Blog.