GraylogGO: Call For Speakers

Help us shape the Graylog GO agenda! We’re looking for dynamic speakers to share their experiences and insights with our virtual community. Whether your expertise is in using Graylog for cybersecurity or log management, your voice can make a difference.

What Are We Looking For?

Solving Cybersecurity Problems With These Tracks

This track explores advanced tactics and strategies to protect digital ecosystems. Speakers should dive deep into specialized topics, provide valuable insights, and share actionable strategies. These sessions should draw in both strategists and hands-on practitioners eager to safeguard their organizations.


Sample topics:

  • Proactive threat-hunting and response strategies
  • Incident response planning and execution
  • Advanced threat intelligence integration
  • Beyond the AI cybersecurity hype
  • Risk-based prioritization approaches
  • Effective SIEM alerting strategies
  • Implementing sigma rules for threat detection
  • Streamlining security investigations
  • Advanced SIEM Use Cases
  • Optimizing alert triage processes


Solving Data Management Problems  

This track focuses on the critical role of data management in log management for effective SecOps, IT Ops, and DevOps. These sessions should provide actionable insights into managing, utilizing, storing, and retrieving log data efficiently, helping organizations optimize strategies to lower costs, enhance security, and improve operational outcomes.


Sample topics:

  • Effective log retention policies and data lifecycle management
  • Proactive monitoring and anomaly detection
  • Data visualization and reporting for actionable insights
  • Integrating log management with SecOps for improved incident response
  • Distributed log management systems
  • Blueprints for an effective Graylog architecture
  • Best practices in migrating to Graylog
  • Cross-departmental adoption of log management
  • Integrating Graylog with enterprise systems
  • Advanced data management techniques


Submission Deadline is August 1st

Click here for more information

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