How to Build a CI/CD Pipeline for Android Projects

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This is a guest article by Kumar Harsh, If you ship Android app releases frequently, you probably already understand the value of well-defined build, test, and deployment workflows. Without resilient, automated DevOps workflows in place, it can be difficult to maintain a high release velocity. Automating these through continuous…

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What is Graph Database Architecture? Exploring Schema and Models

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What is Graph Database Architecture? Exploring Schema and Models You’ve probably heard the term “graph database architecture” thrown around in tech circles. But what does it actually mean, and why should you care? If you’re dealing with complex data relationships, understanding graph database architecture can be a game-changer. It offers…

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What is Query Optimization in Graph Databases? Techniques and Strategies

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What is Query Optimization in Graph Databases? Techniques and Strategies “Thinking about diving into the world of graph databases but worried about slow queries and resource hogs? We’ve got the lowdown on how to optimize your way to lightning-fast performance and efficient data handling. You’ve probably heard about query optimization…

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How Ripley Entertainment Used Directus to Revamp Their Digital Presence

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Directus is definitely making us a lot more capable than we would be trying to go it alone. Suzanne Smagala-Potts Sr. Manager of Digital Development These days, capturing and maintaining audience attention can be a near-impossible task.  For Ripley Entertainment, an attraction company that’s been astounding audiences since 1918 with…

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