Collaboration is Key – Making the Open-Source Community Safer for Developers

Who is Sonar? Sonar is a code quality and security tool that helps developers write Clean Code. Sonar analyzes code for issues that lead to unreliable, unmaintainable, and insecure software at two points in the development lifecycle - first, when the developer initially writes code in the IDE with SonarLint…

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Jenkins 2023 Recap

Contributed by: Wadeck Follonier The Jenkins Security team has multiple missions, with the most visible to users being the publication of advisories. In 2023, the team published 17 advisories: 4 included Jenkins core, and 13 were solely about plugins. In total, 211 vulnerabilities were announced. In terms of reporting trends,…

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Nominate Someone – 2024 Jenkins Contributor Awards

Jenkins Contributor Awards for 2024 are being run by the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) along with many other CDF Community Awards. The nominations are open and are being accepted using GitHub issues to make the process transparent. Any contributor is eligible! The deadline to nominate someone is February 19, 2024.…

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The GSoC 2024 contributor application has ended. What happens next?

The Google Summer of Code 2024 contributor application period has ended and we are excited to have received over 75 valid applications from potential contributors, interested in contributing to Jenkins via this program. We are grateful to all the students who applied and look forward to reviewing their applications over…

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Congrats and Welcome to Jenkins in Google Summer of Code 2024 Contributors

This year, we received numerous outstanding Google Summer of Code (GSoC) proposals for Jenkins with just as many compelling ideas. Many thanks to all who submitted their proposal(s) previously. Due to a very limited number of mentors available, we could only accept a small number of submissions. Congratulations go out…

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