Linux containers rebuilt

A Jenkins job mistakenly rebuilt the Linux container images for recent Jenkins weekly releases and recent Jenkins LTS releases. Users that downloaded some of those Linux container images received container images that could not run the Jenkins controller. The incorrect container images would fail to run with the message that…

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Docker-based Jenkins quick start examples

Table of Contents About the Project Phase 1 Phase 2 Next Steps Acknowledgments Useful Links About the Project The aim of my project was to tackle the challenges and intricacies that users frequently encounter when configuring Jenkins with Docker. The current process comprises numerous daunting steps associated with security risks.…

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A glimpse of the future

You’ve all seen it before: the bitter sting of botched predictions. Flying cars, nuclear ovens in the kitchen, killer robot dogs, and lunar living - all expected to be part of our daily lives by now. Well, some of these wild dreams did come to pass, but I’m not about…

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DevOps World Tour 2023

DevOps World Tour is coming to a city near you with events in multiple locations across the US, UK, and Asia. Jenkins project contributors will be attending and presenting in each city on the tour. Tim Jacomb - London Tim Jacomb will be presenting in London. Tim is a lead…

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Stop Caching Maven Central

JFrog has been a sponsor of the Jenkins project for many years. We’re delighted that they continue to sponsor the Jenkins project and continue to provide our artifact hosting service, Releases, incremental development builds, and snapshots of Jenkins core, Jenkins tooling, Jenkins plugins, and Jenkins infrastructure components are hosted…

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Jenkins Board and Officer Elections 2023 – Nominations Open

We are excited to announce the 2023 Jenkins Governance Board and officer elections! Nominations Nominations can be submitted for two governance board positions, and all five officer positions (Security, Events, Release, Infrastructure, and Documentation). During the registration period, we invite community members to nominate candidates by sending a message to…

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