Jenkins September 2023 Newsletter

Jenkins September Newsletter

Key Takeaways

  • JDK21 is around the corner

Security Update

Contributed by: Wadeck Follonier

  • A plugin security advisory was published on September 6.

  • A core security advisory was published on September 20.

Governance Update

Contributed by: Mark Waite

Voter registration is now open for the 2023 Jenkins elections.
We’re electing two board members and all five officers.
Jenkins contributors must register to vote in each year’s elections.

How do I register to vote?

register button

More detailed instructions are available in the Jenkins elections 2023 blog post.

New Jenkins features

The 10 year old JavaScript library, Prototype.js, has been removed from Jenkins 2.426 as announced in a recent blog post by Basil Crow.
The Jenkins board extends its sincere thanks to Tim Jacomb, Basil Crow, Rahul Somasunderam, and many others that worked to remove that old library from Jenkins core and over 60 plugins.

Infrastructure Update

Contributed by: Damien Duportal

  • The bandwidth reduction on Artifactory is complete as no longer mirrors Apache Maven repositories, thanks to our infrastructure caching.
    We’ve seen a decrease of more than 50% in monthly outbound downloads.

  • We’ve been doing some plumbing work to increase the availability of web services during operations (or those pesky unplanned infrastructure problems).
    No more outages when upgrading Kubernetes for replicated services.
    That’s right, we’ve got your back!

  • We have a new sponsor for the Jenkins Project in Cloudflare.
    We’re currently evaluating migrating to their system next month.
    Exciting times ahead!

  • ARM64: We’ve migrated 5 new services, making for a total of 7, from x86 to ARM64, including and
    We’re moving on up!

  • It’s time to say goodbye to Oracle Cloud!
    The sponsorship has ended and now runs on DigitalOcean.
    We’re grateful to both of these providers for their past and present help.
    Here’s to new beginnings!

Platform Modernization Update

Contributed by: Bruno Verachten

  • JDK21

  • Java 11, 17, and 21 with Jenkins

    • Refer to Mark Waite’s Google Doc for further information.

      • A draft was sent to the Jenkins board and officers.

    • Since a pciture is worth a thousand words, here is a diagram.

    • It needs further discussion and refinement before it is finalized.

  • Work on agent and controller images

    • Docker-agent received a few version bumps and two breaking changes, resulting in seven releases.

      • 💥 Breaking change: Moving to bookworm.

      • 💥 Breaking change: Using a ltsc2019 base image for windowsservercore-ltsc2019 agent images.

    • Inbound-agent received a few version bumps and two breaking changes, resulting in four new releases.

      • 💥Breaking change: Moving to bookworm.

      • 💥Breaking change: Using a ltsc2019 base image for windowsservercore-ltsc2019 agent images and add a nanoserver-ltsc2019 image.

Documentation Update

Contributed by: Kevin Martens

During September, there were several updates for the community blog and Jenkins documentation.

First, there were 10 blog posts written by 11 different authors.
The blog posts include updates and recaps for the Google Summer of Code, the 2023 Jenkins board and officer elections, and a review of the Artifactory bandwidth reduction project.

The Jenkins security section now includes a list of all security issues since 2018.
This list compiles all security issues that have been published in a security advisory.

Finally, a new Platform Information section was added to the Jenkins user handbook.
This section contains support polciies for the Jenkins platform and upgrade guides for Java versions in Jenkins.

Outreach and advocacy Update

Contributed by: Alyssa Tong


Hacktoberfest is in progress!

There’s still time to register, pick your projects, and contribute.
Registration is between September 26 and October 31 on the Hacktoberfest site. Read how you could contribute to Jenkins.


Jenkins in Google Summer of Code 2023 has concluded!

Congratulations to all 4 GSoC contributors for their completion of this year’s program.
Read more about their projects in their blog posts below: