New in ownCloud: Rolling Releases for the Latest Features

In addition to our Production releases, you can now install the new release type Rolling, which allows you to experience the latest features without having to wait for a Production release. The Rolling release offers access to the latest features and improvements every three weeks. This new release type complements our existing Production and Daily releases, providing a flexible and dynamic update cycle perfect for early adopters and enthusiasts.

Advantages of the Rolling Release

The Rolling release is designed for users who want to get the latest greatest features. Here are the key benefits:

  • Frequent Updates: Receive the latest features and improvements every three weeks, ensuring your ownCloud instance is always up-to-date.
  • Enhanced Features: Benefit from newly completed features regularly, giving you access to cutting-edge functionalities.
  • Great for Non-critical Data: Ideal for environments where having the latest features is more important than having the lowest possible risk.

Understanding the Differences

Production Release

  • Target Audience: Suitable for everyone, especially those managing critical data.
  • Frequency: Released approximately every six months.
  • Risk Level: Low (known) risk, with extensive testing and support.
  • Support: Commercially supported with service-level agreements (SLA)
  • Updates: Patch releases for critical and security bugs.
  • Best for: Users who prioritize stability and have critical data needs.

Rolling Release

  • Target Audience: Early adopters and those who want the latest features without waiting for Production releases.
  • Frequency: Every three weeks.
  • Risk Level: Low to medium risk, with structured but not exhaustive testing.
  • Support: Company support available on special agreement.
  • Updates: Continuous updates every three weeks with a clear upgrade path from previous rolling releases.
  • Best for: Users with non-critical data who want frequent updates and new features.

Daily Release

  • Target Audience: Developers and testers who need the latest changes and are willing to accept higher risks.
  • Frequency: Daily.
  • Risk Level: High (unknown) risk, primarily tested by automated test suites.
  • Support: Community support.
  • Updates: No structured updates, intended for testing purposes.
  • Best for: Developers looking for the latest changes for development and testing.

Who Should Use Which Release Type?

  • Production Release: Ideal for users with critical data and a need for maximum stability and support.
  • Rolling Release: Perfect for early adopters and businesses that prioritize having the latest features and can tolerate minor risks.
  • Daily Release: Best for developers and testers who require the most up-to-date code and are prepared for potential instability.

6 Key Features You Get With the Rolling Release:

1. Federated Sharing

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Break down barriers and collaborate seamlessly across organizations with our advanced Federated Sharing feature, built on the Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) 1.1 standard. Work on files from anywhere in the world as if they were on your own computer, enhancing productivity and streamlining workflow.

2. Robust Password Policy

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Ensure the highest level of security with customizable password policy framework. Administrators can define rules to enforce compliance regulations, while users are guided to create strong, secure passwords. Say goodbye to weak passwords with our optional list of banned passwords.

3. Powerful Search Filters

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Finding the files you need has never been easier. Our enhanced Search Filters allow users to quickly locate files based on type, modification date, and other relevant metadata. Spend less time searching and more time being productive.

4. Simplified Shares

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Shares are now much more clearly organized, including filter and search functions.

Managing shares is now a breeze with our revamped Shares interface. Gain a clear overview of incoming, outgoing, and pending shares, all in one user-friendly dashboard. Limit the shares displayed, hide unwanted shares, or find hidden shares with ease using our intuitive filter buttons and search function.

5. Shortcuts

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Create shortcuts to link to websites or files.

Save storage and streamline workflows with our new Shortcuts feature. Create quick reference links to websites or files, reducing the need for copies or new versions of files. Bring the convenience of desktop shortcuts to your private cloud.

6. Enhanced Tags, Duplicate Space, and WebDAV URL

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Tags are now directly in the details panel.

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For advanced users: The WebDAV path can be shown in the details panel, allowing you to use WebDAV in third-party tools.

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Easily duplicate a Space so that you can reuse it.

Infinite Scale 5 introduces a dedicated panel for tag management, with tags now visible directly in the file menu. Duplicate spaces with a single click and automate the process for batch actions. Access files easily with the direct WebDAV URL now available in the File Details menu.

How to Get the Rolling Release

Start using the Rolling release via Docker. A link to the binary and GitHub code will follow in the next days.

To start using the Rolling release of ownCloud Infinite Scale, choose your preferred deployment method:


Pull the Docker Image:

docker pull owncloud/ocis-rolling:latest

Read all about the release life cycle

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