What’s New in Apache Answer 1.3.0?

We know we all have different habits to browse, navigate, and manage your online community, support center, or knowledge base. We built Apache Answer to stay out of your way, so you can focus and do everything in the way you want, with features and interactions that are just right.

In Answer 1.3.0, we’re moving forward to make review and navigation better for you. Here are the features, new improves, and gratitude to all the contributors. Upgrade now and enjoy the reading today.

What’s New

Review in One Place

Let the review happened in the place. Now admins and moderators can review flagged content in Review, which is in the sidebar on the left.

Review Flag Post

There are ways different actions provided in Approve, including edit post, close, delete, and enlist post.

Actions for Approve

Besides, we also provide filters to make the reviewing process efficient. With just a click, you can check the specific content waiting in queue.

Build Your Review Plugin from Today

We add an example review plugin to check user’s first post before it officially goes online. This ensures high-quality content in your community, while every user understands the posting rules.

Switch to Turn on Review Plugin

You can build your review plugin for unpublished posts based on your review process based on this example plugin. Click here to know more about this plugin.

Sort Answer from Oldest to Newest

Observing how an answer develops until the current version can bring clarity. Now there’s no need to scroll to the bottom for earlier answers, simply click the Oldest.

Sort from the Oldest

Fine-tunings You’ll Love

We heard your voice! Here are some tweaks we made for existed features.

It’s easy to spot your search terms within the results, because of the latest highlight.

Highlight Search Result

Now admin can go through all the published posts, check the post’s status, and unlist it in a few clicks.

Unlist and Post Status

Automatic update checks can be closed too, and admin can find it in Admin — Settings — General. Switch it off and save, you’re good to go.

Software Updates

To the Contributors. Cheers.

We’re so glad to have 6 contributors joining in this update, and here they are:
Octobug, hgaol, LinkinStars, dashuai, sy-records, and zahash.

Who will be joining our next version release?

We are Listening

We’d love your feedback! Share your thoughts on the latest releases, suggest features for the future roadmap, or just let us know what’s on your mind. Feel free to reach out on X, Discord, GitHub, Meta Answer, or our mailing list.