Introducing Webex Integration

Collaborate using Excalidraw whiteboard directly in your Webex meetings. Excalidraw ❤️ Meetings Listening to your stories it’s amazing what you use Excalidraw for in the wild, from illustrating blog posts, to wireframing, teaching, presenting, to interviewing. One common denominator is collaboration, which has always been a core part of Excalidraw.…

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Year two of Excalidraw

Excalidraw celebrated its second birthday! What happened during the last year and what’s next? It’s been another great year for Excalidraw, the virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams. Let’s review what happened since the last time. The importance of remote working and collaboration has not been diminished, and more…

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Three for three

How did Excalidraw fare in its third year of existence, and what’s to come? Let’s find out! Greetings Excalidraw users! Thank you all for the support throughout the year, and for being a part of our growing user base! ❤️ With your help, we’ve recently crossed 350K monthly users. 🔥…

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Announcing NocoDB’s $10.5M Seed Funding

Click here for the TechCrunch article.The demand for software development far outpaces the supply of software developers. While movements such as open source have made it easy for developers to build and share tools, the skillset to write software has only gone up with ever-evolving programming frameworks and technology stacks.…

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20 UI elements every designer needs in their toolkit

UI design elements are the pieces that create an engaging website or app experience. Users can’t interact with a site to achieve their goals without them. From clicking links to submitting forms, each user action depends on fully functional and intuitive design elements to get the job done.However, UI design…

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What is the difference between UI and UX?

If users don’t find your product engaging or seamless to use, they may skip it for a competitor’s product. That’s where user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design come in. These closely related disciplines help you build products that put users first.What is UX design?User experience (UX) design ensures…

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