OW2 15 anniversary

This year the OW2 Consortium reaches the exciting milestone of 15 years of activity.

The celebrations OW2 15 anniversary will take place concurrently with the Cloud data center + Infra Symposium.

The event will take place in Paris on June 29 and 30 with more than 120 Experts and 3,500 visitors. Professionals in infrastructure, design and operation of distributed services will discuss challenges and current projects in the industry ecosystems. The Symposium will present solutions on the most “cutting edge” and innovative topics in the sector, with strong content and numerous round tables and conferences specialized by course.

Ow2 team will exhibit together with Xwiki project and KNOWAGE in booth D14, Hall 5.1.

Furthermore, OW2 will run the conference Open Cloud on June 29 from 16:30 to 18h and on June 30 from 9h00 to 12h00.

It includes: 

  • 2 OW2 Testimony talks, one of them by KNOWAGE Labs and Engineering Group.

This talk will tell the history of Engineering’s participation in the OW2 Community highlighting the motivation for Engineering as a large and recognized systems integrator to embrace the open source culture, the value provided to the OW2 codebase by the KNOWAGE open source BI and analytics project, the outcomes of the initiatives where Engineering has actively participated, the relationships with the European Research projects. Moreover, our speakers will present the best practices of open source have been disseminated during these 15 years through the company in such a way to enrich the development process by fostering collaboration and openness, which are among the pillars of modern architectures and digital innovation programs

  • Round table #1: on Open Source Governance
  • OW2con’22 Best Project Awards ceremony
  • Presentations of OW2 Open Source solutions for the Cloud 
  • Round table #2: Risks and opportunities for European open source publishers facing cloud giants

On June 29 evening, OW2 will also host a social event.

Join the event, register now!

More about the OW2 15 anniversary.

Follow the event through our social media channels: on Facebook, on Twitter, on Linkedin.

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