One Year of Excalidraw

It’s been kind of a different year, but it was the first year and pretty amazing for Excalidraw.

Excalidraw started as a way to procrastinate on January 1st, 2020, and ended up being a fully fledged whiteboard product only one year later! In this post, we’ll go over the most important features that made Excalidraw great at being a virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams.

We are so incredibly proud to have built something that is being used by 20k weekly active people.,amxJZJxlZAlUBLADWIukFg

Tech Stack

Excalidraw is fully open source, but it also stands on the shoulders of many other projects. We couldn’t do it without Rough.js, the library that gives Excalidraw its unique look; Virgil, the hand-written font designed by Ellinor Rapp; TypeScript, to tame the complexity of our codebase, giving a helping hand to new contributors (and old ones alike); and last but not least, React. Our full list of dependencies is listed on GitHub.

In addition, Excalidraw is depending on many awesome services such as Vercel for hosting and pull request previews, Crowdin for managing dozens of translations, CodeSandbox for easy hacking on the project, Sentry for error reporting, and Dependabot to keep our dependencies up to date.

Finally, this success wouldn’t be possible without you, the over 100 contributors who helped us ship new features, improvements, and fixes right to production.,bqkIFBlioHfMMLYHtcdGjA

Some of our coolest features

🤝 Collaboration

When the lockdown started, companies all around the world struggled to adapt to remote work. idlewinn and petehunt implemented live collaboration that could be used for interviews, brainstorming, presentations, and more. If you’re curious, we explained how it works in a blog post.

🔒 Your data is encrypted

Many of Excalidraw use cases involve drawing sensitive data. As such, we architected our system so that our servers never see the content of your drawings, using end-to-end encryption. The backend support for storing data was implemented by lipis, while the client-side encryption itself was added by vjeux. Read how we are doing it in our article on end-to-end encryption.,8w-G0ZXiOfRYAn7VWpANxw

🇺🇳 Translations

It was important for us early on to make sure that Excalidraw was translated into many languages so that it could be used all over the world. The initial implementation was done by fernandoalava, while the automatic integration with our Crowdin project was set up by lipis. Support for right-to-left languages was implemented soon after by j-f1. To top it off, Ellinor Rapp designed new font glyphs for several non-latin languages. You can read more about how we manage translations on the blog!

📱 Mobile first

Touch support and mobile-optimized layout was first added by j-f1. This includes the creation of a toolbar for mobile devices that displays relevant controls while still leaving most of the screen free for the canvas.

📚 Library

The library was first implemented by petehunt. After adding support for exporting/importing the library, we eventually introduced a public directory where you can share yours. Visit for more.

📊 Excalicharts

While we aim to keep Excalidraw simple to use, sometimes we hide little easter eggs that you need to find out for yourself (or find some hints by following our Twitter account). For example, you can copy any two-column dataset from a spreadsheet, or comma separated values (CSV) from a text file, and paste them into Excalidraw to quickly produce a chart. The first implementation was done by petehunt and several improvements were made by lipis.

🏹 Lines and Arrows

Possibly the single most complex feature in Excalidraw, lines/arrows have come a long way since the beginning. Initially, we’ve only had two-point lines. Multi-point support was added by gasimgasimzada, with improvements by dai-shi, line editing by dwelle, arrowheads by steveruizok, and by popular demand the arrow binding by xixixao.

Related, the free hand drawing, one of the most requested features, was implemented by kbariotis.

🔄 More powerful editing

We must give a shout-out to dai-shi for continuous implementations of seemingly simple, but in fact pretty hard problems such as rotation and resizing, especially in combination of editing multiple elements at once.

#️⃣ Grid and Stats

From early on, people were asking for more precision in their hand drawn diagrams. We complied by adding the grid support implemented by dai-shi, and—inspired by YouTube’s stats for nerds—our own version of stats implemented by lipis. Both features could be found under the context menu by right-clicking on the canvas.

💾 File system integration and file handling

In Excalidraw, we use the browser-fs-access library to integrate with the file system of the operating system. This allows us to support a true open→edit→save workflow with proper over-saving and save-as on supported browsers, with a fallback to file uploads and downloads on other browsers. Read more about this feature in tomayac’s earlier article on this blog. We also have experimental support for file type association, so that when you double-click an .excalidraw file in your file explorer, the Excalidraw PWA opens.

⚙️ Gatsby plugin

We also have a plugin for Gatsby that automatically converts links to saved Excalidraw drawings to inline SVG at build time. We are actually using it in this post for our charts. Implemented by trevorblades and j-f1. You can find it under @excalidraw/gatsby-embedder-excalidraw.

🌒 Dark Mode

To help protect your eyes, @xixixao added dark mode, effectively turning Excalidraw into an actual blackboard.

📦 npm package

One of the last things we’ve introduced this year was a completely new npm package, available at @excalidraw/excalidraw. A long time in the making (thanks to @aakansha1216 for most of the work), this package allows you to easily embed Excalidraw as a React component into your apps.

Excalidraw in the news

Get involved

Excalidraw wouldn’t have become what it is today without all the wonderful contributions. If you haven’t already, you can start today! And remember, it’s not just code that makes Excalidraw better. Every bit helps, be it bug reports, translations, suggestions for improvements, or just hanging out on our Discord chat. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @excalidraw for all the latest news and announcements.

What’s next

We will continue working hard on improving the performance, adding features where it makes sense, fixing bugs, working with designers to make Excalidraw look better, and more. But whatever we do, we’ll try our best to ensure we don’t lose the simplicity and charm that makes Excalidraw the product you love. 💕

Some cool drawings

The best part of this project is to see a constant stream of awesome public drawings that people are making with Excalidraw. Here are some of our favorites from 2020.