OIDC Integration

Today when we use the rabbitmq-management with the rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2 plugin, the only supported Authorization server is UAA, making it difficult to connect to other OAuth 2.0 servers. Additionally, rabbitmq-management plugin uses the OAuth 2.0 implicit flow which is no longer recommended for security reasons.

RabbitMQ 3.11 will support practically any Authorization server compliant with OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 protocols.
Furthermore, OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant becomes the default grant and implicit grant is no longer supported.


Prior to RabbitMQ 3.11, when using OAuth 2.0 with the Management UI, RabbitMQ only supported UAA as an OAuth 2.0 server due to the use of a javascript library provided by UAA. Furthermore, this library only supported implicit grant type and targeted custom UAA’s HTTP endpoints, which do not follow any standard such as OpenID Connect.

RabbitMQ 3.11 delegates all OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect protocols to the oidc-client-ts library and no longer depends on the UAA client library. With this change, RabbitMQ no longer supports the implicit grant type but now supports authorization code grant type. Additionally, the old settings with the prefix uaa_, such as uaa_location, are deprecated and replaced by a new set of settings with the prefix oauth_, as clarified in the next section, Usage.


To configure rabbitmq-management to authenticate users with any OAuth 2.0 server we need to provide the following settings:

  • oauth_enabled replaces enable_uaa
  • oauth_client_id replaces uaa_client_id
  • oauth_client_secret contains the secret corresponding to the oauth_client_id. This is a new setting, as the implicit grant flow did not require a secret.
  • oauth_provider_url replaces uaa_location. It is the OpenID Connect endpoint URL, and through this endpoint, RabbitMQ discovers all the other OAuth 2.0 endpoints.

Here is an example configuration of the plugin with the above settings:

  { rabbitmq_management,

{oauth_enabled, true},
{oauth_client_id, "PUT YOUR AUTH CLIENT ID"},
{oauth_client_secret, "PUT YOUR AUTH CLIENT SECRET"},
{oauth_provider_url, "PUT YOUR OpenID Connect URL"}

In addition to the four mandatory settings above, there is an additional optional setting:

  • oauth_scopes sets the scopes RabbitMQ requests on behalf of the user accessing the management UI. The default value is openid profile when enable_uaa is not set or false, and openid profile <rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2.resource_server_id>.* when enable_uaa is true

When do we need to set oauth_scopes?

There are some OAuth 2.0 servers which can automatically grant scopes to users regardless of the scopes requested by RabbitMQ during the authorization request. Should your OAuth 2.0 server have this capability, you do not need to specify all the scopes in oauth_scopes.

On the contrary, if your OAuth 2.0 server only grants those scopes requested during the authorization request, then
they must be specified within the oauth_scopes setting.

How are existing clusters affected by this change?

Only RabbitMQ clusters which are currently configured to authenticate with UAA are affected by this change.
They will stop working unless these changes are made:

  • Add {oauth_enabled, true},
  • Add {oauth_client_secret, "UAA_CLIENT_SECRET"}, , where UAA_CLIENT_SECRET is the client secret associated with the previously configured uaa_client_id

However, it is highly recommended that existing clusters configured to use UAA for OAuth 2.0 be completely reconfigured with the new settings, as the old configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

What OAuth 2.0 servers are currently supported?

In theory, any OAuth 2.0 server which is OpenID Connect compliant should be supported. RabbitMQ has been tested
against the following OAuth 2.0 servers:

  • Keycloak
  • Auth0
  • Azure Active Directory