Jellyfin Android 2.6

Improvements to the Jellyfin mobile experience are here. A new update for the Jellyfin Android app is ready! Read along to learn everything
new in this update!

– Niels & Max

What’s new

The focus of this update is maintenance. We’ve fixed various bugs and made sure the app works on newer Android versions. Noticeable is the
improved connection screen that now remembers your previously connected servers, making it a lot easier to switch between them.

Screenshot of the server selection in the Android app

Full release notes

The complete list of changes for this release, including their respective pull requests, can be found on


Jellyfin is developed by volunteer contributors, and we couldn’t do without their great skills and dedication. They don’t get paid by any
organizations, so consider donating if you appreciate their work. A big shout-out to all contributors that made this release possible:

Jellyfin Team

Other contributors

We’d also like to thank everyone who reported bugs, provided feedback and participated in beta testing! The feedback we received made this
our most stable release to date.

Helping out

If you have some experience with Android development or with Kotlin and are interested in contributing yourself, feel free to dive into the
source code on GitHub and open pull requests.

Alternatively, you can help with translating the app into your language on our
Weblate instance.


Update your app now to check out all these changes! The app stores will auto-update your Jellyfin app if you’re already using the app. For
new users, you can find the app here:

Jellyfin on Google Play
Jellyfin at Amazon App Store
Jellyfin on F-Droid

Direct downloads are available for sideloading at
or in the GitHub release assets.

You can also join our beta program on Google Play and help test new versions
before they’re released to the public.