Introducing the ‘@’ Modifier

Have you ever selected the top 10 time series for something, but instead of 10 you got 100? If yes, this one is for you. Let me walk you through what the underlying problem is and how I fixed it.

Currently, the topk() query only makes sense as an instant query where you get exactly k results, but when you run it as a range query, you can get much more than k results since every step is evaluated independently. This @ modifier lets you fix the ranking for all the steps in a range query.

In Prometheus v2.25.0, we have introduced a new PromQL modifier @. Similar to how offset modifier lets you offset the evaluation of vector selector, range vector selector, and subqueries by a fixed duration relative to the evaluation time, the @ modifier lets you fix the evaluation for those selectors irrespective of the query evaluation time. The credits for this syntax goes to Björn Rabenstein.

<vector-selector> @ <timestamp>
<range-vector-selector> @ <timestamp>
<subquery> @ <timestamp>

The <timestamp> is a unix timestamp and described with a float literal.

For example, the query http_requests_total @ 1609746000 returns the value of http_requests_total at 2021-01-04T07:40:00+00:00. The query rate(http_requests_total[5m] @ 1609746000) returns the 5-minute rate of http_requests_total at the same time.

Additionally, start() and end() can also be used as values for the @ modifier as special values. For a range query, they resolve to the start and end of the range query respectively and remain the same for all steps. For an instant query, start() and end() both resolve to the evaluation time.

Coming back to the topk() fix, the following query plots the 1m rate of http_requests_total of those series whose last 1h rate was among the top 5. Hence now you can make sense of the topk() even as a range query where it plots exactly k results.

rate(http_requests_total[1m]) # This acts like the actual selector.
topk(5, rate(http_requests_total[1h] @ end())) # This acts like a ranking function which filters the selector.

Similarly, the topk() ranking can be replaced with other functions like histogram_quantile() which only makes sense as an instant query right now. rate() can be replaced with <aggregation>_over_time(), etc. Let us know how you use this new modifier!

@ modifier is disabled by default and can be enabled using the flag --enable-feature=promql-at-modifier. Learn more about feature flags in this blog post and find the docs for @ modifier here.