Highlights from OW2 conference 2022

The last edition of the OW2 conference (June 8-9, 2022), focused on the main theme “Reliable and predictable Open Source“.

The event provided stimulating talks on the future of enterprise #opensource and how to face it, together with updates on the evolution of many OW2-powered projects.

In the opening session, Cedric Thomas and Pierre-Yves Gibello told about the indirect return of open source and the importance of addressing corporate information systems. OW2 Market Readiness methodology and Good governance initiative ensure OW2-powered solutions are solid and ready for market.

KNOWAGE contributed to the event with two speeches, showing the new features realeased in the first half of the year and the novelties that are yet to come. KNOWAGE director presented two real use cases where AI&ML algorithms allowed public entities to have reliable forecast on pandemic trends and manage public services monitoring and respecting social distancing measures.

Here the full recording of the event.

Recording of the talk “KNOWAGE evolution in 2022

Recording of the talk “Data analysis for enterprises with open source – KNOWAGE use cases

The next meeting with the OW2 community will be in Paris, on June 29-30, for the OW2 15 Year Anniversary event. The event will be held within the Conference Cloud-Datacenter+Infra and will include:

  • Testimony talks
    • 1) 15 years of Engineering @ OW2, Daniele Gagliardi and Stefano Scamuzzo, KNOWAGE Labs – Engineering Group
    • 2) 15 years of Sat4j @ OW2, the value of an open source community for an academic software, Daniel Le Berre, University d’Artois
  • Round table on Open Source Governance
  • OW2 Best Project Awards ceremony
  • Social event

OW2 is the European open source community event powered by OW2 Consortium and sponsored by Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.

More about OW2con22: https://www.ow2con.org/view/2022/

More about OW2: https://www.ow2.org/

More about KNOWAGE: https://www.knowage-suite.com/

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