Curvenote joins the federation

Curvenote is now a part of the federation. By hosting a BinderHub instance running on the company’s infrastructure, additional capacity is available on the service.

The project provides a critical, free public service for scientists, researchers and educators worldwide. The ability to spin up a Jupyter server to run someone’s research code or run a class without local configuration is something that many academics and educators rely on. runs on a set of open source software components and standards, that not only powers the service but that also allows us to make solid steps forward in reproducibility in scientific research, namely REES and open source software components (like repo2docker) .

This is something we’re keen to shout about as Curvenote runs numerous small scale, independent, BinderHubs to power its journal infrastructure for notebook based publishing for reproducible scientific journals with BinderHub, Jupyter and MyST Markdown ( being important components of that.

Over the last few months a lot of work has gone into bringing up the Curvenote BinderHub instance on AWS. This is mainly because in the process, the AWS workflow based deployment has been pushed forward by Simon Li (@manics, University of Dundee, JupyterHub Core Team), solving many previous roadblocks around EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) usage and paving the way for easier future AWS based deployments (watch out for a future post from Simon with all the technical details).

It’s been great to collaborate with Simon during that time and get exposure to the details of BinderHub deployment on AWS.

The service makes a significant positive impact on public education, science and research. This impact is directly supported by the volunteer time of the BinderHub core team and the federation member organizations. Curvenote’s instance adds capacity to the service and a broader group of organizations contributing to the organization would lead to a more resilient public service, that is less prone to disruption when a single federation member leaves. If your organization has the resources to run and maintain a BinderHub, or makes heavy use of the service, encourage your organizations to run an instance and join the federation.

Curvenote joins the federation was originally published in Jupyter Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.