Building Gen AI with MongoDB & AI Partners: May 2024

Since I joined MongoDB last September, each month has seemed more action-packed than the last. But it’s possible that May was the busiest of all: May 2024 was a month of big milestones for MongoDB!

First, we held MongoDB.local NYC on May 2, our biggest .local event so far, with 2,500 attendees from around the world. It was the first MongoDB.local event I attended since joining the company, and suffice it to say I was thrilled to meet with so many colleagues and partners in person.

I was particularly excited to discuss the impact of MongoDB Atlas on the generative AI space, since we also announced the new MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) in May.

Photo of MongoDB’s CEO, Dev Ittycheria, on the MongoDB .Local NYC keynote stage
MongoDB’s CEO, Dev Ittycheria, on the MongoDB .Local NYC keynote stage

MAAP was launched to help organizations quickly build, integrate, and deploy gen AI-enriched applications at scale. We do this by providing customers a complete package that includes strategic advisory, professional services, and a robust tech stack through MongoDB and our amazing partners: Anthropic, Anyscale, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cohere,,, Google Cloud, gravity9, LangChain, LlamaIndex, Microsoft Azure, Nomic, PeerIslands, Pureinsights, and Together AI.

I really look forward to seeing how MAAP will empower customers to create secure, reliable, and high-performing gen AI applications after the program becomes publicly available in July. Stay tuned for more!

And if you’re interested in hearing more about MongoDB’s approach to AI partnerships, and how MAAP will help organizations of all sizes build gen AI applications, check out my interview with theCUBE at MongoDB.local NYC alongside Benny Chen, co-founder of

Upcoming AI partner events

Are you in San Francisco in late June? We’re proud to sponsor the AI Engineer World’s Fair this year! Stop by the MongoDB booth to chat about gen AI development, and make sure to attend our panel “Building Your AI Stack with MongoDB, Cohere, LlamaIndex, and Together AI” on June 27.

Welcoming new AI partners

In addition to .local NYC and announcing MAAP in May, we also welcomed four AI partners that offer product integrations with MongoDB: Haystack, Mixpeek, Quotient AI, and Radiant. Read on to learn more about each great new partner.

Haystack by deepset logo

Haystack is an open source Python framework for building custom apps with large language models (LLMs). It allows users to try out the latest models in natural language processing (NLP) while being flexible and easy to use.

“We’re excited to partner with MongoDB to help developers build top-tier LLM applications,” said Malte Pietsch, co-founder and CTO of deepset, makers of Haystack and deepset Cloud. “The new Haystack and MongoDB Atlas integration lets developers seamlessly use MongoDB data in Haystack, a reliable framework for creating quality LLM pipelines for use cases like RAG, QA, and agentic pipelines. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting, your gen AI projects can quickly progress from prototype to adoption, accelerating value for your business and end-users.”

Learn more about Haystack’s MongoDBAtlasDocumentStore to improve your AI applications.

mixpeek logo

Mixpeek is a multimodal indexing pipeline that gets a database ready for generative AI. It allows developers to treat an object store and a transactional database as a single entity.

Ethan Steininger, founder of Mixpeek, explained the value of the MongoDB-Mixpeek integration. “With MongoDB, developers store vectors, metadata, text and all the indexes needed for hyper-targeted retrieval,” he said. “Combined with Mixpeek, they can ensure their S3 buckets and all the documents, images, video, audio and text objects are always consistent with their transactional database, accelerating the path to production by instilling confidence that multimodal RAG results will always be up-to-date.”

Read more about our partnership and learn how to build real-time multimodal vectors in a MongoDB cluster.

Quotient AI logo

Quotient AI is a solution that offers developers the capability to evaluate their AI products with specialized datasets and frameworks to accelerate the experimentation cycle.

Julia Neagu, CEO of Quotient AI, highlighted the importance of our partnership. “We are excited to join forces with MongoDB and revolutionize how developers and enterprises are building AI products,” she said. “We share the common goal of helping developers get their ideas to market faster with a first-class developer experience. MongoDB Atlas scalable and versatile vector database technology complements Quotient’s mission to ship high-quality, reliable AI applications through rapid, domain-specific evaluation.”

Learn more how Quotient AI enables evaluation and refinement of RAG-powered AI products built on MongoDB Atlas.

Radiant AI logo

Radiant offers a monitoring and evaluation framework for production AI use cases.

Nitish Kulnani, CEO of Radiant, shared his excitement about the partnership with MongoDB to enhance the reliability of AI applications. “By combining Radiant’s anomaly detection with MongoDB Atlas Vector Search, we enable developers to swiftly identify and mitigate risks, and quickly deploy high-quality AI solutions, delivering real value to customers faster,” he said. “MongoDB trusts Radiant to accelerate its own AI applications, and we’re excited to deliver the same experience to MongoDB customers.”

Read more about how to deploy Radiant with MongoDB Atlas to accelerate your journey from development to production.

But wait, there’s more!

To learn more about building AI-powered apps with MongoDB, check out our AI Resources Hub, and stop by our Partner Ecosystem Catalog to read about our integrations with MongoDB’s ever-evolving AI partner ecosystem.