Oracle Graph Learning Path

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Oracle Graph Learning Path

The graph features of Oracle Database enables developers to store and navigate relationships between entities. Developers, analysts, and data scientists can use graphs within Oracle Database. All you need to get started is an Oracle Database, though you may also want to use graph client libraries and visualization tools that are shipped with Oracle Graph Server and Client. Oracle Graph Server is available for download and includes a browser based visualization tool, as well as the ability to load a graph into memory of Graph Server and execute graph algorithms using the Graph Client java or python libraries. Graph Studio is available in Oracle Autonomous Database and makes working with graphs even simpler by integrating graph features (both in database and using Graph Server and Client) in one place and automating setup and management, automating graph creation, and by providing step-by-step examples for getting started.

This article is a learning path for all things Oracle Graph, making the videos and blog posts easy to digest. The setup, user interface, and capabilities can vary based on the environment you choose to deploy Oracle Graph in and the type of graph used, so use this learning path to easily find the articles relevant to you.

Oracle Graph Deployment Options

When deploying Oracle Graph, you have the choice of a user managed database or Autonomous Database.

  • User managed database:
    • On Oracle Database 19c, you can use PGQL to create and query property graphs, either in the cloud (using Oracle Base Database Service) or in your on-premises environment.
    • On Oracle Database 23ai, you can use  SQL or PGQL to create and query property graphs in the cloud (using Oracle Base Database Service).
    • If you plan to use graph algorithms (such as pagerank, community detection, shortest path etc.), or want to use the graph visualization development tool, you can install Oracle Graph Server on a VM in the cloud (using a cloud marketplace image) or in your on-premise environment through a free download.
  • Autonomous Database:
    • In Autonomous database, you can use PGQL to create and query property graphs in the cloud.
    • Graph Studio is built into Autonomous Database, with an integrated graph modeling tool and graph notebooks for graph visualization and management.  All the Graph Server capabilities are built-in.
    • You can also manage your own Graph Server by deploying Oracle Graph Server in a compute instance and connecting to your Autonomous Database.

Oracle Graph Deployment Options

Introduction to Graphs

This section provides a conceptual introduction to modeling your data as a graph and why graphs are interesting.

What are Graphs? (video)

What is a graph and why is it useful? (video)

Graphs simplify software development (blog)

Why should you use graph analytics? (blog)

Graph Database Use Cases for Financial Services Companies (blogs)

Introduction to Oracle Graph: All about Graphs in Oracle Database (video)


PGQL Property Graphs | Available with Oracle Database 12c or higher

PGQL is the acronym for the Property Graph Query Language, the SQL-like graph query language to work with graphs,   In Oracle Database 12g Release 2 and Oracle Database 19c you would use PGQL to work with graphs.  We refer to graphs created using PGQL as ‘PGQL property graphs.’

Autonomous Database with Graph Studio

Graph Studio in Autonomous Database is a fully managed service for using graphs in Oracle Database.

Graph Studio in ADB (video)

Using Graph Studio for New Insight (video)

Discover Communities using Graph Analytics (video)

Create an Autonomous Database and Graph User (video)

Load Data and create a graph (video)

Step by Step Guides to get started with PGQL property graphs using a fully managed service (Autonomous Database)

Setup Autonomous Database to use Graph Studio (blog)

Configura tu base de datos autónoma para utilizar Graph Studio (blog)

Contact tracing in Graph Studio (blog)

Guest post: Graph Studio Tutorial (Parts 1-6) (blog)

Autonomous Database with Graph Server and Client

You can also use a fully managed Autonomous Database with user managed Graph Server and Client (marketplace image available on OCI marketplace).  

Step by Step Guides to get started with PGQL property graphs using a fully managed database (Autonomous Database) with user managed Graph Server

Marketplace image with Autonomous Database (blog)

Using Graph Python client with Autonomous Database (blog)

Detect Conflicts of Interest using Graphs (blog)

On-Premise Deployment

If you want to get started using Oracle Graph with a user-managed database you have, here are the simple steps to get started.     Graph is a feature of Oracle Database, and you just need to download some client libraries to get started.

Step by Step Guides

Get started with Oracle Graphs using SQL Developer (blog)

Visualize Graphs with Graph visualization tool (blog)

Get Started with Oracle Graph using SQLcl (blog)

Oracle Graph REST API (blog)


SQL Property Graphs | Available as of Oracle Database 23ai

In Oracle Database 23ai we support the SQL:2023 standard that includes SQL syntax for working with property graphs.   We refer to graphs created using this SQL syntax as ‘SQL property graphs.’

Introduction to SQL Property Graphs – 23ai (video)

Graphs in Oracle Database 23ai (video)

Discover connections with SQL Property Graphs in Oracle Autonomous Database (blog)

Intro to SQL Property Graphs – 23ai with Demo (video)

When Property Graphs join SQL (video)

Operational Property Graphs in Oracle Database 23c Free – Developer Release (blog)

Step by Step Guides to get started with SQL property graphs

Use Oracle Database 23c with Oracle Graph on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (blog)

Get started with property graphs in Oracle Database 23c Free – Developer Release (blog)

Get started with Oracle Graphs using SQL Developer (blog)

Visualize Graphs with Graph visualization tool (blog)

SQL Property Graphs in APEX (video)


More Information


Stack Overflow (= questions with oracle-graph tag)

Slack AnDOUC (= invitation link, please visit #graph)

Slack OracleDevRel (= invitation link, please visit #oracle-db-graph)

Youtube Channel

Rahul Tasker

Senior Product Manager

Product Manager for Oracle Spatial and Graph