Deploy a scalable ad analytics system in the cloud with Amazon Redshift and Redpanda

Businesses running large-scale advertising campaigns need to analyze ad performance data as quickly as possible. Amazon Redshift, Amazon's fully managed petabyte-scale data warehouse, is a popular option as it enables the ingestion and processing of vast amounts of streaming ad event data in real time. Redshift is a fast, scalable,…

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ClickPipes for Batch Data Loading: Introducing S3 and GCS Support

Introduction # Building on the success of ClickPipes for Kafka, we're thrilled to announce the expansion of our connectivity platform with new connectors for Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage (GCS), currently in beta. Large bulk data loading # Loading billions (or trillions!) of rows from scratch into a ClickHouse…

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April 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the April ClickHouse newsletter where we round up what’s been happening in real-time data warehouses over the last month. This month, we have the 24.3 release, building a rate limiter, a migration from MySQL to ClickHouse story, meetup videos, and more! Inside this issue # Featured community member…

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Redpanda Serverless: the simplest ingredient for developing real-time applications

Real-time data is no longer a nice-to-have, but a must-have when creating relevant and engaging user experiences. Most industries today have grown accustomed to consuming instant updates, so if you’re a frontend developer looking to break into real-time app development, you’ll need to master the flow of real-time data. As…

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Data transformations: Apache Flink vs. Redpanda Data Transforms

Transforming a data stream usually requires an external consumer, like a stream processor or an event-driven microservice. This leads to the data first being transferred from the event broker to the consumer and then returned to the broker after transformation. No matter how simple or complicated the transformation is, this…

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Transportable Binary XML – modern XML document storage in Oracle Database 23ai

Text Size 100%: - + Traditional XML storage in Oracle Database In 2010, Oracle Database introduced native XML storage capabilities to optimize the storage and usage of XML documents with Oracle Database 11g ( Oracle's approach for native XMLType storage then was purely document-centric, called Compact Schema-Aware XML (CSX) or…

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Teleport Workload Identity

With Teleport 15.2, we’ve added a preview for Teleport Workload Identity. Teleport Workload Identity lets teams bootstrap and issue identities to services across heterogeneous environments and organizational boundaries. A core value of Teleport comes from having a central access platform, and we believe that humans and machine access need to…

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Decentralized Monitoring Explained

Introduction to Distributed Observability Users often find themselves puzzled by the concepts of decentralized or distributed monitoring. This confusion is likely due to many monitoring systems claiming distributed capabilities, making it challenging to discern how Netdata stands out. To grasp the distinction, we must delve into the evolution of monitoring…

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